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How to display active capsules in a table?


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  • Seeq Team

The details and approach will vary depending on exactly where you are starting from, but here is one approach that will show some of the key things you may need.

When you say you have 3 capsules active at any given time, I assume you mean 3 separate conditions. Assuming that is the case, you can create a "combined condition" out of all 9 conditions using Seeq Formula:

// Assign meaningful text to a new capsule property

// named TableDesription

$c1 = $condition1.setProperty('TableDescription','High Temperature') 

$c2 = $condition2.setProperty('TableDescription','Low Pressure')

and so forth...

$c9 = $condition9.setProperty('TableDescription','Low Flow')

// Create a capsule that starts 5 minutes from the current time
$NowCapsule = past().inverse().move(-5min)
// Combine and keep only the currently active capsules (touching "now")


You can then go to Table View, and click the Condition table type. Select your "combined condition" in the Details Pane and add a capsule property (TableDescription) using the Column or Row button at the top of the display.

You can then set your display time range to include the current time, and you should see the currently active capsules with the TableDescription text that you assigned in the Formula.

You of course will want to vary the "-5min" value and the 'TableDescription' values per what is best for you. 

Your approach may be a little different depending on where you are starting from, but I think that creating capsule properties (text you want to see in your final table), combining into one condition, and using .touches($NowCapsule), may all be things you will need in your approach.

Here are some screenshots from an example I put together, where I used "Stage" for the capsule property name: 


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  • Seeq Team

Another approach that you can take if you don't need to know start or end times of the "active" capsules is a filtered Simple Table counting capsules. To get this summary table listing the "active" conditions in any Display Range, choose a Simple Table with the count column enabled from the Column button in the toolbar. If you also have signals in your Details pane, you will want to deselect those and only select the 9 conditions. If you only have conditions, you can exclude this Details pane selection. 


You can then filter that table using a menu that opens from the three vertical dots from the column header. Below I applied a filter for when count is greater than 0 and have only 4 rows displaying of 6 total conditions. The filter icon lets me know the table is filtered, and I can click on it to change or remove the filter. In R55 and later, percent duration and total duration are also possible column configurations in the Simple Table in addition to count. You can read more on how these table displays work on our Knowledge Base


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