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Referencing AF Templates in Seeq Data Lab

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  • Seeq Team

Users of OSIsoft Asset Framework often want to filter elements and attributes based on the AF Templates they were built on. At this time though, the spy.search command in Seeq Data Lab only filters based on the properties Type, Name, Description, Path, Asset, Datasource Class, Datasource ID, Datasource Name, Data ID, Cache Enabled, and Scoped To. This post discusses a way in which we can still filter elements and/or attributes based on AF Template.

Step 1: Retrieve all elements in the AF Database

The code below will return all assets in an AF Database that are based on a AF Template whose name contains Location.  

asset_search = spy.search({"Path":"Example-AF", "Type":"Asset"}, all_properties=True) #Make sure to include all properties since this will also return the AF Template
asset_search.dropna(subset=['Template'], inplace=True) # Remove assets not based on a template since we can't filter with NaN values
asset_search_location = asset_search[asset_search['Template'].str.contains('Location')] # Apply filter to only consider Location AF Template assets

Step 2: Find all relevant attributes

This code will retrieve the desired attributes. Note wildcards and regular expression can be used to find multiple attributes.

signal_search = spy.search({"Path":"Example-AF", "Type":"Signal", "Name":"Compressor Power"}) #Find desired attributes

Step 3: Filter attributes based on if they come from an element from the desired AF template

Last step cross references the signals returned with the desired elements. This is done by looking at their paths.

# Define a function to recreate paths, items directly beneath the database asset don't have a Path
def path_merger(row):
    row = row.dropna()
    return ' >> '.join(row)

asset_search_location['Full Path'] = asset_search_location[['Path', 'Asset', 'Name']].apply(lambda row: path_merger(row),axis=1) # Create path for the asset that includes its name
signal_search['Parent Path'] = signal_search[['Path', 'Asset']].apply(lambda row: path_merger(row),axis=1) # Create path for the parents of the signals
signal_search_location = signal_search[signal_search['Parent Path'].isin((asset_search_location['Full Path']))] # Cross reference parent path in signals with full paths in assets to see if these signals are children of the desired elements


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