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Appmode not supporting input() function?


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After yesterday's SEEQ update, the Appmode button has been changed to Add-on Mode.


My script has a line for user input using the native input() function. It is getting the following error:


How do I resolved this issue? The script runs fine in the native window. 

Edited by Wen
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  • Seeq Team

In more recent versions of Seeq (+R58),  we have changed our Add-on rendering engine to Voila and renamed the functionality to "Add-on Mode" from "AppMode."  The rendered Voila interface is designed for interactivity and is based on widgets. As you've noticed this means that code in a cell may not function the same way in both Jupyter and Voila. This is particularly true around interactions (i.e. inputs).  A way to get an input is to use a widget from ipywidgets and then use the value from the widget in your code. Here is a sample code snippet that uses an input widget and renders the value when a button is clicked. 

import ipywidgets as widgets

#Define the input
user_input = widgets.Text(
    value='Hello World',
    placeholder='Type something',

#define a button
button = widgets.Button(

#define an Output - someplace to render the button click
output = widgets.Output()

#Do something when button is clicked
def get_input_value(b):
    with output:


#display input, button, and output Vertically



In the new Advanced Mode in Seeq Data Lab you can render your notebook without having to navigate to a separate tab.  You can access the "Add-on Mode Preview" from the  View section in the top menu.  For information about the new Advanced Mode Seeq Data Lab check please check out Advanced Mode for Data Lab.  

Additional Information:

Edited by John
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