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How to set the hh:mm:ss format of a time property of a capsule

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I have a condition that has a duration property from child capsules. This property initially returns as a date time string from 1/1/1970 00:00. I want to be able to convert it to purely hh:mm:ss and be able to be larger than 24 hours if needed. What is the best approach to this? 

I saw some posts on doing a string replace function on the returned property but I couldn't get that to work


This is what I'm using as an example property to test and play with.





Edited by DGrigsbyII
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you could do this by creating a transform and calculating the values inside it. In my example I am using the duration() method to get the duration of the capsule. You might need to change this to get the value from your property.

$condition.removeLongerThan(1mo).transform($capsule ->
  //Calculate total hours
  $totalHours = $capsule.duration().convertUnits('h').setUnits('')
  $hoursFraction = $totalHours - $totalHours.floor()
  $hours = ($totalHours - $hoursFraction).floor()
  //Calculate minutes
  $minutes = $hoursFraction * 60
  $minutesFraction = $minutes - $minutes.floor()
  //Calculate seconds
  $seconds = ($minutesFraction * 60).round(0)
  //Set property by buildung a string
  $capsule.setProperty('Hours', $hours.toString() + ":" + $minutes.floor().toString() + ":" + $seconds.toString())




Edited by Thorsten Vogt
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This is probably uglier that Thorsten's approach, but you could also convert the duration property to a signal and do some regex replacing. Here is an example I used recently.

First convert the property to a signal:

$condition.toSignal('Duration Property Name')

Then use the replace function to adjust the date as needed (you may need to move some thing around depending on the exact format):

$timestamp_signal.replace('/(?<year>....)/(?<month>..)/(?<day>..)T(?<hour>..):(?<minute>..):(?<sec>..)(?<dec>.*)Z/' , 

//This example normalizes the duration if the original date always 1 day -- may need to dived here too
$day = ($s.replace('/(?<year>....)/(?<month>..)/(?<day>..)T(?<hour>..):(?<minute>..):(?<sec>..)(?<dec>.*)Z/' , 
           '${day}').toNumber() - 1).toString()

$day + $s.replace('/(?<year>....)/(?<month>..)/(?<day>..)T(?<hour>..):(?<minute>..):(?<sec>..)(?<dec>.*)Z/' , 

You would then set this new signal back as a property:

//may need to adjust key for sample
$newformat_signal.setProperty('New Duration', $duration_signal, $StartValue())

Again, this is a little ugly, and Thorsten's approach may work better depending on need, but wanted to give an example where you might get away without a transform. 

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On 5/12/2023 at 2:23 AM, Thorsten Vogt said:


you could do this by creating a transform and calculating the values inside it. In my example I am using the duration() method to get the duration of the capsule. You might need to change this to get the value from your property.

$condition.removeLongerThan(1mo).transform($capsule ->
  //Calculate total hours
  $totalHours = $capsule.duration().convertUnits('h').setUnits('')
  $hoursFraction = $totalHours - $totalHours.floor()
  $hours = ($totalHours - $hoursFraction).floor()
  //Calculate minutes
  $minutes = $hoursFraction * 60
  $minutesFraction = $minutes - $minutes.floor()
  //Calculate seconds
  $seconds = ($minutesFraction * 60).round(0)
  //Set property by buildung a string
  $capsule.setProperty('Hours', $hours.toString() + ":" + $minutes.floor().toString() + ":" + $seconds.toString())




This works well and I like the approach except for dealing with minutes and seconds values less than 10. Do you have an approach for that?

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Seeq does not have a direct way to format strings. However you can use a regular expression to prefix values less then 10 with a leading "0". Just change the last line in the formula to this:

$capsule.setProperty('Hours', $hours.toString().replace("/^(\\d{1})$/", "0$1") + ":" + $minutes.floor().toString().replace("/^(\\d{1})$/", "0$1") + ":" + $seconds.toString().replace("/^(\\d{1})$/", "0$1"))

The RegEx in the replace function will search for one digit numbers and replace them with the original value prefixed with a leading 0. If the number contains more then one digit it will keep the original value:





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