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Deleting capsules


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  • Seeq Team

Hi Sanjhosh-

Would you be able to provide additional information (and screenshots) on the condition you have created and the capsules you would like to exclude? I suspect that we may be able to edit the original condition to only include the desired capsules.

However, I will also mention that the Custom Condition tool may be used to achieve the desired results.  In this tool, you can select the capsules in your condition that you would like to retain, excluding the capsules that are not of interest:




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Hi Lindsey,

I am trying to compare the heater skin temperature increase over time due to coke formation for different runs (A run - the time between 2 consecutive de-cokes). The duration of each run varies. So to the capture the runs, I am trying to first create capsules for the time between the runs (maintenance periods), for which I did a value search with temperature less than 200 C and ignored the short capsules/gaps. However, as you can see for run 5, there is an unwanted capsule in between the run (probably due to an upset). That's the reason I was wondering if it is possible to delete individual capsules.


Thank you,


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Hi Sanjhosh,

Lindsey may have a better answer, but if you just need to manually remove a single capsule from the condition, what I would do is create a custom condition, call it the subtraction condition, selecting only the capsule you don't want included in your final condition. Then I would use a composite condition with the 'a minus b' option to return capsules from your original condition minus the capsules in your subtraction condition.

For example, if I had the below and wanted to remove the circled capsule:


I would click on that capsule then open the custom condition tool:


Then create the composite condition with that capsule removed:


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  • Seeq Team

Hi Sanjhosh-

@Pauly Russ 's post is a great suggestion.  Simply create a Custom Condition to identify the capsules to remove and then use the Minus logic in Composite Condition to remove these capsules from the original condition.  

I discussed this use case with other members of the team, and the following method was also suggested:

1. Clean & smooth the signal.

This can be done using a combination of different operators in Formula.  Try using the .agileFilter() operator to smooth the signal and remove high frequency noise. The .removeOutliers() function may be useful for removing the random spikes in the data.

2. Take the derivative of the signal

Once the signal is cleansed, apply either the .derivative() or .runningDelta() function in formula.  This will allow you to see when the large, downward spikes occur.  Hopefully there is a clear different in the magnitude of the 'downtime' spikes relative to the magnitude of the 'mid-run' spikes.

3. Identify the downtime periods

Use the Value Search  on the derivative or running delta signal to identify the periods of downtime.

With this method. some iteration will likely be required as you work to cleanse the signal and use the Value Search tool to identify downtime.


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  • 2 years later...

I tried something similar to edit an existing capsule. Based on the 'step' tag in PI, I created a condition (C1). In an ideal world, that should be enough to continue on to next step, but i noticed that there are sometimes errors in the PI signal that resulted in huge gap. 

I created a manual periodic condition (MC) and added it with C1 to make a new condition C2 which now has the capsule corrected for the missing data. The gap is quite large, so I couldn't do 'ignore short gaps'.

When i swap my asset, the manual condition sticks with it which was true only for Asset A and not for the rest. How do i modify a single capsule within a condition without it transferring to different assets in that group?



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