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Formula and calculation with step trigger and summation.


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I am trying to use multiple signals and trying to sum them when another signal has value of 1. How can I create the formula?

  • If $t1 = 1 then sum($t2*$t3+$t4*t5)

  • I would like the sum to go to zero as soon as $t1 value changes from 1
    I tried running sum but if I limit the period the last sum that is still ongoing will not be calculated. Also tried combewith() but no luck.
    Thanks in advance.

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  • Seeq Team

Hi Ario,

The Seeq version of Excel's IF function is called splice. In order to do what you would like to do, you would want to do 2 steps:
1. Create a Value Search for when $t1 = 1
2. Create a Formula that splices either a value of 0 or the sum formula depending on whether $t1 is 1 or not. The formula would look like:


This effectively says make the value 0 when a capsule for $t=1 is not present, but when a capsule becomes present, make the value of the signal the sum of $t2*$t3+$t4*$t5.

Edited by Joe Reckamp
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