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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/16/2022 in Posts

  1. One more comment on the post above: The within() function is creating additional samples at the beginning and the end of the capsule. These additional sample have an effect on the calculations performed in the histogram. To avoid this you can use the remove() and inverse() function to remove parts of the data when the condition is not met: In contrast to within() the remove() function will interpolate values if the distance between samples is less than the Maximum Interpolation setting of the signal. To avoid this when using remove you can combine the signal that the remove function creates with a signal that adds an "invalid" value at the beginning of each capsule so that the interpolation cannot be calculated: $invalidsAtCapsuleStart = $condition.removeLongerThan(1wk).tosamples($c -> sample($c.startkey(), SCALAR.INVALID), 1s) $signal.remove($condition.inverse()).combineWith($invalidsAtCapsuleStart) You can see the different behaviours of the three described methods in the screenshot:
    1 point
  2. Hi VpJ, If you build it out using any of the solutions mentioned above, it is relatively easy to make it available in all workbenches.
    1 point
  3. Hi VpJ, Currently, asset groups are only available in a single workbench. You can see some differences between asset groups and asset trees (including that workbook/global scoping) here: https://seeq.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/KB/pages/1590165555/Asset+Groups#Asset-Trees-vs.-Asset-Groups
    1 point
  4. Hi SBC, applying the the within() function to your signal will result in a new signal that only keeps those parts of the signal where the condition is met. The filtered signal can then be used for the histogram. Regards, Thorsten
    1 point
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