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  1. We often get asked how to use the various API endpoints via the python SDK so I thought it would be helpful to write a guide on how to use the API/SDK in Seeq Data Lab. As some background, Seeq is built on a REST API that enables all the interactions in the software. Whenever you are trending data, using a Tool, creating an Organizer Topic, or any of the other various things you can do in the Seeq software, the software is making API calls to perform the tasks you are asking for. From Seeq Data Lab, you can use the python SDK to interact with the API endpoints in the same way as users do in the interface, but through a coding environment. Whenever users want to use the python SDK to interact with API endpoints, I recommend opening the API Reference via the hamburger menu in the upper right hand corner of Seeq: This will open a page that will show you all the different sections of the API with various operations beneath them. For some orientation, there are blue GET operations, green POST operations, and red DELETE operations. Although these may be obvious, the GET operations are used to retrieve information from Seeq, but are not making any changes - for instance, you may want to know what the dependencies of a Formula are so you might GET the item's dependencies with GET/items/{id}/dependencies. The POST operations are used to create or change something in Seeq - as an example, you may create a new workbook with the POST/workbooks endpoint. And finally, the DELETE operations are used to archive something in Seeq - for instance, deleting a user would use the DELETE/users/{id} endpoint. Each operation endpoint has model example values for the inputs or outputs in yellow boxes, along with any required or optional parameters that need to be filled in and then a "Try it out!" button to execute the operation. For example, if I wanted to get the item information for the item with the ID "95644F20-BD68-4DFC-9C15-E4E1D262369C" (if you don't know where to get the ID, you can either use spy.search in python or use Item Properties: https://seeq.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/KB/pages/141623511/Item+Properties) , I could do the following: Using the API Reference provides a nice easy way to see what the inputs are and what format they have to be in. As an example, if I wanted to post a new property to an item, you can see that there is a very specific syntax format required as specified in the Model on the right hand side below: I typically recommend testing your syntax and operation in the API Reference to ensure that it has the effect that you are hoping to achieve with your script before moving into python to program that function. How do I code the API Reference operations into Python? Once you know what API endpoint you want to use and the format for the inputs, you can move into python to code that using the python SDK. The python SDK comes with the seeq package that is loaded by default in Seeq Data Lab or can be installed for your Seeq version from pypi if not using Seeq Data Lab (see https://pypi.org/project/seeq/). Therefore, to import the sdk, you can simply do the following command: from seeq import sdk Once you've done that, you will see that if you start typing sdk. and hit "tab" after the period, it will show you all the possible commands underneath the SDK. Generally the first thing you are looking for is the ones that end in "Api" and there should be one for each section observed in the API Reference that we will need to login to using "spy.client". If I want to use the Items API, then I would first want to login using the following command: items_api = sdk.ItemsApi(spy.client) Using the same trick as mentioned above with "tab" after "items_api." will provide a list of the possible functions that can be performed on the ItemsApi: While the python functions don't have the exact same names as the operations in the API Reference, it should hopefully be clear which python function corresponds to the API endpoint. For example, if I want to get the item information, I would use "get_item_and_all_properties". Similar to the "tab" trick mentioned above, you can use "shift+tab" with any function to get the Documentation for that function: Opening the documentation fully with the "^" icon shows that this function has two possible parameters, id and callback where the callback is optional, but the id is required, similar to what we saw in the API Reference above. Therefore, in order to execute this command in python, I can simply add the ID parameter (as a string as denoted by "str" in the documentation) by using the following command: items_api.get_item_and_all_properties(id='95644F20-BD68-4DFC-9C15-E4E1D262369C') In this case, because I executed a "GET" function, I return all the information about the item that I requested: This same approach can be used for any of the API endpoints that you desire to work with. How do I use the information output from the API endpoint? Oftentimes, GET endpoints are used to retrieve a piece of information to use it in another function later on. From the previous example, maybe you want to retrieve the value for the "name" of the item. In this case, all you have to do is save the output as a variable, change it to a dictionary, and then request the item you desire. For example, first save the output as a variable, in this case, we'll call that "item": item = items_api.get_item_and_all_properties(id='95644F20-BD68-4DFC-9C15-E4E1D262369C') Then convert the output "item" into a dictionary and request whatever key you would like: item.to_dict()['name']
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