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  1. Thanks for the explanation. I've implemented this as suggested and it performs vastly better than my original implementation!
    1 point
  2. By default, SPy pull will interpolate data onto a grid at 15 minute intervals. By changing the grid parameter to None, spy.pull retrieves the data with raw timestamps and no interpolation. Therefore, the first point brought into your dataframe will be the first raw sample point that occurs within your specified start and end window. In order to capture the last value before the start of the spy.pull start parameter, you could add bounding_values = True to the pull as shown below. data_df = spy.pull(status, start= '1/1/2023', end='12/31/2023', grid = None, bounding_values = True) Note the different results in my screenshot. Without specifying the bounding_values, my first time stamp is at 2024-07-01 00:02:00 vs the second example with that parameter as True, I do get the last raw value before the start of the window so that I know the first change was from Stage 1 -> Transition. We could also adjust the gridding parameter to interpolate the signal. To learn more about the spy.pull parameters, check out the SPy documentation included in every new Seeq Data Lab project. It can also be found online in the SPy User Guide.
    1 point
  3. Tulip is one of the leading frontline operations platforms, providing manufacturers with a holistic view of quality, process cycle times, OEE, and more. The Tulip platform provides the ability to create user-friendly apps and dashboards to improve the productivity of your operations without writing any code. Integrating Tulip and Seeq allows Tulip app and dashboard developers to directly include best-in-class time series analytics into their displays. Additionally, Seeq can access a wealth of contextual information through Tulip Tables. Accessing Tulip Table Data in Seeq Tulip table data is an excellent source of contextual information as it often includes information not gathered by other systems. In our example, we will be using a Tulip Table called (Log) Station Activity History. This data allows us to see how long a line process has been running, the number of components targeted for assembly, actually assembled, and the number of defects. The easiest way to bring this into Seeq is as condition data. We will create one condition per station and each column will be a capsule property. This can be achieved with a scheduled notebook: import requests import json import pandas as pd # This method gets data from a tulip table and formats the data frame into a Seeq-friendly structure def get_data_from_tulip(table_id, debug): url = f"https://{TENANT_NAME}.tulip.co/api/v3/tables/{table_id}/records" headers = { "Authorization": AUTH_TOKEN } params = { "limit": 100, "sortOptions" : '[{"sortBy": "_createdAt", "sortDir": "asc"}]' } all_data = [] data = None while True: # Use for paginating the reqeusts if data: last_sequence = data[-1]['_sequenceNumber'] params['filters'] = json.dumps([{"field":"_sequenceNumber","functionType":"greaterThan","arg":last_sequence}]) # Make the API request response = requests.get(url, headers=headers, params=params) if debug: print(json.dumps(response.json(), indent=4)) # Check if the request was successful if response.status_code == 200: # Parse the JSON response data = response.json() all_data.extend(data) if len(data) < 100: break # Exit the loop if condition is met else: print(f"API request failed with status code: {response.status_code}") break # Convert JSON data to pandas DataFrame df = pd.DataFrame(all_data) df = df.rename(columns={'id': '_id'}) df.columns = df.columns.str.split('_').str[1] df = df.drop(columns=['sequenceNumber','hour'], errors='ignore') df['createdAt'] = pd.to_datetime(df['createdAt']) df['updatedAt'] = pd.to_datetime(df['updatedAt']) df = df.rename(columns={'createdAt': 'Capsule Start', 'updatedAt': 'Capsule End', 'duration': 'EventDuration'}) df = df.dropna() return df def create_metadata(station_data, station_name): print(f"DataFrame for station: {station}") print("Number of rows:", len(group)) metadata=pd.DataFrame([{ 'Name': station_name, 'Type': 'Condition', 'Maximum Duration': '1d', 'Capsule Property Units': {'status': 'string', 'id': 'string', 'station':'string', 'duration':'s'} }]) return metadata # This method splits the dataframe by station. Each Station will represent a condition in Seeq. def create_dataframe_per_station(all_data, debug): data_by_station = all_data.groupby('station') if debug: for station, group in data_by_station: print(f"DataFrame for station: {station}") print("Number of rows:", len(group)) display(group) return data_by_station # This method sends the data to Seeq def send_to_seeq(data, metadata, workbook, quiet): spy.push(data=data, metadata=metadata, workbook=workbook, datasource="Tulip Operations", quiet=quiet) data = get_data_from_tulip(TABLE_NAME, False) per_station = create_dataframe_per_station(data, False) for station, group in per_station: metadata = create_metadata(group, station) send_to_seeq(group, metadata, 'Tulip Integration >> Bearing Failure', False) The above notebook can be run on a schedule with the following command: spy.jobs.schedule('every 6 hours') This will pull the data from the Tulip Table into Seeq to allow for quick analysis. The notebook above will need you to provide a tenant, API key, and table name. It will also be using this REST API method to get the records. Once provided, this data will be pulled into a dataset called Tulip Operations and scoped to a workbook called Tulip Integration. We can now leverage the capsule properties to start isolating interesting periods of time. For example, using the formula $ea.keep('status', isEqualTo('RUNNING')) Where $ea is the Endbell Assembly condition from the Tulip Table. We can create a new condition keeping only the capsules where the state is running. Once a full analysis is created, Seeq content can be displayed in a Tulip App as an iFrame, allowing for the combination of Tulip and Seeq data: Data can be pushed back to Tulip using the create record API. This allows for Tulip Dashboards to contain Seeq Content:
    1 point
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