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Morgan Bowling

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Everything posted by Morgan Bowling

  1. Hi Ivan, Thank you for reaching out. Once you have your capsules for your "failures" this can easily be achieved using the inverse function in Seeq's Formula tool. You can see an example of this below. I have my capsules for Stage 2. I then use formula tool to create capsules for the inverse of Stage 2. If you have any other questions or need further assistance please let us know. Morgan
  2. Hello! Thanks for reaching out. This seems like a very interesting use case. The first question I have is around the timestamps of the data; do you know if they are all being sampled at the same time? I was also wondering if you could provide a little more information about the end goal of the use case? What is the final result you are looking to achieve or what is the application? Looking forward to hearing from you. Morgan
  3. Overview: This example explores two methods for assessing equipment operating conditions per unit of time (i.e. total operating hours per week in this example) using the Signal from Condition tool and Histogram. The Signal from Condition approach creates a new signal using an equation or statistical function. The Histogram approach transforms a signal into a "value" domain, plotting the distribution of values over a period of time. For these examples, we will use “Compressor Power (Area A)” from the Seeq demo data and asset framework, which has routine ON/OFF operating cycles. The objective in this example is to create Derived Data signals to indicate when a compressor is running and calculate operating hours per week. Workflow: 1. Add target signal -- in this analysis we will use Compressor Power (Area A). 2. Complete a Value Search to determine when the equipment is running. In this example, I searched the compressor power signal for when it is above 5 kW which indicates it is running. 3. Using Periodic Condition, create a Weekly Signal. 4. Create a new signal Compressor Run Hours Per Week using Signal from Condition Tool. 5. Customize the Signal from Condition as a Bar Graph -- click the Customize button in the Details Pane and select the Bar Chart Icon under the Samples column. Each bar represents the total operating hours of the compressor each week. 6. Histogram Aggregated by Calendar Week- In this example, we have created a Histogram, Avg Compressor Run Hours per Week, which calculates the average value of the derived-signal, Compressor Run Hours per Week, aggregated by calendar week (Week of Year). Content Verified DEC2023
  4. Hi Andrew Apologies we didn't get back to you sooner. Are you still having this issue? If so, I would like to set up a meeting where we can screen share and discuss. Thanks,
  5. Hi LRM I'm not sure I fully understand the question. Can you elaborate a little bit? Morgan
  6. Hi Chris Like Thorsten mentioned I would be careful using property transforms as this can impact everyone that wants to use this tag. I would use formula tool and then use the SetMaximumInterpolation Function to change the max interpolation to the value you are interested in.
  7. Hi David Thanks for reaching out. Currently we cannot change the format in the scorecard. I would recommend using the Formula tool to divide your signal by 1000 and name the new signal appropriately. You should then be able to role it up into a scorecard and see more significant figures. Morgan
  8. Hi Ilse Thorsten is correct about the Tree File Connector which will help build an asset structure. Depending on how big your analysis is you can duplicate the formulas you have done in the new worksheet and then update the signals they are based on. You can do this by clicking the i next to the signal or condition you want to copy: Then you will click duplicate: Then you will get a new signal or condition built off of the one you copied that you can rename and put the new signals you want to reference in. Morgan
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