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Everything posted by Surendra

  1. Hi I have a control valve, whose percentage opening tag is available in SeeQ. I also have the flow rate (instantaneous value) and totalizer (that resets at 06:00 hrs everyday) tags available in SeeQ. Every time the flow rate becomes zero (irrespective of the valve opening, in case of SDV closure etc), when I line up back the system, I open the control valve very gradually, in order to avoid disturbances in my system. Now, let's say on 1st Sep, post shutdown, valve is opened by 5% every 10 min until valve opening reaches 35% and then, by 8% until flow rate reaches a certain threshold. Now, I had a shutdown again on 6th Sep, and I'm in the process of lining up the valve similar to how it was done on 1st Sep. So, taking the 1st Sep line up case as a reference, how do I estimate the flow rate this time until I reach the previous opening percentage?? That means, let's say, at 09:00 hrs today, my valve opening is at 35%, I want to replicate the flow rate increasing pattern from here considering 1st sep 35% valve opening case. So, I would take the totalizer current value till 09:00 hrs and add approximate estimate for the rest of the period until next day morning 06:00 hrs, based on the flow pattern as explained above.
  2. I tried this code to randomly check the result for a single worksheet in a workbench. I got the same result in SDL page, as shown in the above screenshot, but, in the worksheet, the lines' width is not changed. What could be the reason?
  3. Can you please share any documentation of SDL to help me out in this regard?
  4. I have some tens of signals plotted in tens of worksheets (in a single workbench). Is there a way to change the widths of all the signal across multiple worksheets, at once? Pls help
  5. I didn't get you. BTW, can you pls explain the use cases of this command? $hourlyaverage.aggregate( average(), periods(1hour, 5min), endKey())
  6. Can I use this command instead for "Latest Hourly average"?? $hourlyaverage.aggregate( average(), periods(1hour, 5min), endKey())
  7. I'm getting an empty signal when I run this, as show in the screenshot below. Pls help $hourlyaverage.aggregate(endvalue(true), $condition, durationkey()).within(not past())
  8. I have a saw-tooth signal (cumulative value) of water flow rate, that resets to zero every morning at 06:00 hrs. So, when I say daily total (for DPR purposes), it is the peak of the saw-tooth signal just before resetting to zero. On any particular day, at any random time, let's say 16:10 hrs, when I want to check the estimated total volume of water for the day, I have to check the last value of the signal (which is cumulative till then since morning 06:00 hrs) and add the extrapolated hourly values for remaining time period until next morning 06:00 hrs. So, here 1. How do I calculate the hourly average value of the signal (since morning 06:00 hrs)? That means, I have to divide the last value of the saw-tooth signal at 16:10 hrs by 8h 10 min i.e 8.166 hours. This gives me the flow rate of water, and 2. How do I multiply the hourly flow rate values with remaining duration and add that value to current value? 3. Also, whenever there is a system start-up post shut down, the flow rates will not be constant until steady state is reached, in such cases, I want to extrapolate the values based on previous start-up scenario. How to do that?
  9. How do I create the totalizer of a flow rate signal whose units are volume per day?
  10. How do I convert a continuously increasing signal to saw-tooth signal?
  11. How to send email alerts to specific users as and when a Capsule is formed?
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