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Ilse Morales

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  1. Currently I am using the Periodic Condition to be able to view average capacities hourly, however I'd like to know if there is a way to obtain these averages every minute. What I am are trying to achieve here is to be able to see the average capacities every minute of our tags and if at the same time this data could be portrayed as a signal so that we can compare the averages with our original signal in one single lane if both are possible together. Thanks again.
  2. I am having trouble when duplicating a worksheet within the same workbench. If I edit the formulas with a new signal for it to refer to to do the exact same analysis I previously did, but with a different tag, it automatically updates my original worksheet within the workbench to the new tag as well. What I am trying to do is run the same analysis to different tags in separate worksheets in the same workbench. P.S. if I duplicate the entire Seeq Workbench and update the tag in the duplicate then the tags in my original Worksheet in the original Workbench stay intact. However, this just creates too many workbenches to keep track of, when what I'd like to do is have all worksheets within one workbench by being able to duplicate the worksheets and update the tags. Thanks for any help.
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