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Posts posted by Sivaji

  1. When I tried pulling it the result showed "Not a Signal, Condition or Scalar - skipping". Alternatively I can create a signal from condition and can pull the data. However I have already calculated many scorecard metrics formulae, I was wondering if there is any workaround to pull them using DataLab?

  2. Hi, I was importing a signal data from a CSV file and I wanted to make it global and not just limited this particular workbench. I was aware checking the ‘Available in all workbooks' option works, but I wasn't able to find that option anywhere in the R51.0.4 version (I have an admin access as well). Please let me know if I'm doing something wrong or if this feature not available in the current version? Is there any alternative to do this as well?



  3. Hi,

    Is there are special way to treat the objects types in my dataframe before using spy.push. I face issues while pushing when my dataframe contains object datatype values. I got the following error.

    HTTP response body: {"statusMessage":"Cannot change the value unit of measure from \u0027\u0027 to \u0027string\u0027."}




  4. Is there a way to increase the number of colors in a scatter plot? I've plotted a scatter plot and filtered it on some condition. By default the plot assigned 3 colors based on the time period. I have an option to change the time periods however I haven't seen any option to increase number of periods. Please see the red color highlighted marks in the screenshot. However If I try option "Color" with "Color based condition" and provided a yearly condition there, it marks all the points with same color. Is there any option to select different colors for each capsule (each year) in my yearly condition? Or is there any workaround for this?




  5. I'm using  SEEQ R22.0.45.00 version. I was wondering if there is any workaround to increase the number of capsules that can be viewed in a trend chain view. Currently a limited number of capsules that are only visible, we can only view the other capsules by selecting "Previous" or "Next" in the capsules pane at the bottom. Is it limited due to the display issues or is there any workaround to increase the capsules visible in one view?


  6. Hi, I was wondering how to mention the time zone for the timestamps data using spy.push. I think for default SEEQ considers the timestamps are GMT timezoned in case the actual time zone is not mentioned. I used following syntax for pushing my data. However I need to mention that the timestamps in my data_df are corresponding to the central time zone.


    spy.push(metadata=better_metadata, data= data_df, workbook='Power Plant Simulation >> Steam Turbine',


  7. Is there any way we can set the user credentials like login ID and password embedded into the URL while generating the worksheets using the following approach. And also Is there a way to delete any worksheet/workbook from the URL?



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