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Everything posted by Selmane

  1. Hello Aymen, You can use the Join option of the composite condition and by excluding the second condition to achieve this. Let me know if this works for you. --Selmane
  2. Hello Brighton, Spy.pull() is the only method available in Seeq Data Lab to retrieve data from the data source. Speed of data retrieval is affected by multiple factors: The number of time series you are pulling The time range you are pulling data for The type of data source you are using For the tests you are doing, can you be more precise on the data source and the time range you are pulling data for? Thanks, --Selmane
  3. Hello, Be careful to two things: When you create the condition, make sure you name your property correctly: $signal.toCondition('Grade Code') Then pay attention to single and double quotes: $condition.keep('Grade Code', isEqualTo('Grade 106')) Let me know if this helpful.
  4. Hello Ricardo, Are you sure the second condition has capsules in the desired timeframe? If yes, then please open a support ticket in https://seeq.atlassian.net/servicedesk/customer/portal/3 and we will be able to dig dipper on this matter with our support team. Thanks, --Selmane
  5. @ARiebel you should be able to do it in R58, I was able to reproduce it (see below screenshot): Are you clicking on Condition table button as shown below?
  6. Hello Swapnil, I think some screenshots would be interesting here. Question for you: which tool/formula are you using to get the signal value during that timestamp? Is it working well in workbench? Is the problem only when you export to Excel? Can you share a screenshot of the Excel document? For more in-depth support, I suggest you create a support ticket on https://support.seeq.com or attend an Office Hours session. Thanks, --Selmane
  7. Hello Dayyan, Please consider using the Periods formula instead of months. The syntax for it could be something like: periods(6months,6months, '2017-01-01T00:00:00','CET') Change CET by the timezone you are in. To analyze the fluctuations, it would be good to share a graph and see what this looks like to give you an advice. I hope this helps, --Selmane
  8. You can also convert your signal interpolation to step using the tostep() formula: $signal.tostep(1d) with 1 day being the max interpolation for the signal. You can make it longer or shorter according to the frequency of your signal. The step-interpolated signals can be exported to OData before the enhancement shared by Kin How above.
  9. Hello David, On my previous comment, the export will help you get the signals and conditions in Power BI and then you will need to recreate your table in Power BI. I have found a feature request to get exactly what you want: getting the table directly to Power BI. Please open a Seeq support ticket so we can link it to the development request and give you updates when we progress on it. --Selmane
  10. Hello Mohammad, Was this working before? Are you able to search for the data but not able to pull? The error message (502) Bad Gateway - Connection to 'OSIsoft AF: AF PROD' is offline indicates that Seeq Data Lab is unable to establish a connection to the specified OSIsoft AF (Asset Framework) server, which in this case is named 'AF PROD'. This could be due to various reasons such as network issues, the server being down, or configuration problems with the connection settings in Seeq. Here are some steps you can take to troubleshoot and resolve the issue: Check Network Connectivity: Ensure that the Seeq server has network access to the OSIsoft AF server. This might involve checking firewalls, routing, and whether the OSIsoft AF server is reachable from the Seeq server. Verify OSIsoft AF Server Status: Make sure that the OSIsoft AF server is running and accessible. You can try to connect to the AF server using other tools or from a different machine to confirm that it is operational. Review Connection Settings: In Seeq, check the connection settings for the OSIsoft AF server to ensure that they are correct. This includes the server address, credentials, and any other relevant configuration details. Check Seeq Server Logs: Review the logs on the Seeq server for any additional information about the connection failure. The logs may provide more detailed error messages that can help identify the root cause. Restart Services: If the connection settings are correct and there are no network issues, try restarting the Seeq services and the OSIsoft AF server to see if this resolves the connection problem. Contact Support: If you are unable to resolve the issue, contact Seeq support for further assistance. They can help diagnose the problem and provide guidance on how to fix it. Remember to perform these troubleshooting steps in a systematic manner, checking the simplest and most likely causes first before moving on to more complex investigations. I hope this is helpful, --Selmane
  11. Hello David, OData Export functionality is not Seeq Data Lab at all, you can access it from Seeq Workbench Tools pane: Did you give it a try? If you didn't succeed, I suggest you open a Seeq Support ticket and we will help you get there. Thanks, --Selmane
  12. Hello David, Can you say a little more about what you want to do in power BI with these data? Seeq has the ability to export data using the OData protocol described here. Many of our customers using Power BI use this export functionality to have data there (or any other BI Tool). This will not export the table as it is on Seeq but you can have all the data to recreate the table there. Let me know if this answers your request. Have a good day, --Selmane
  13. Hello Saha, Keep formula could be used with Signals but is generally better used with conditions if you want to filter on a specific capsule property. From the screenshot you sent, I understand you want to find periods of interest when the Receipe signal equals *REGN668 C3P1? I would suggest you use the Tools >> Identify >> Value search tool Then fill the different fields of the tool with the signal you have and the value you are looking for. If you still encounter issues, I would suggest you book a session with an AE is Seeq Office Hours: https://info.seeq.com/office-hours. You can talk with a Seeq ANalytics Engineer who will guide you on how to achieve this. Let me know if this is helpful. Thanks, Selmane
  14. Hello, yes this is possible and you can do it in different ways: You can use the Union Operator to unify all these condition into a single one then calculate the average for each capsule. The Formula tool is useful here and forumula should look like: $signal.aggregate(average(), $condition1.union($condition2).union($condition3).union($condition4).union($condition5), startKey()) You can also use formula and the splice operator to achieve similar result: $signal.aggregate(average(), $condition1, startKey()).splice($signal.aggregate(average(), $condition2, startKey()), $condition2).splice($signal.aggregate(average(), $condition3, startKey()), $condition3).... With one of the above methods, you will get the average of your signal for each capsule of the conditions 1 to 5. Finally, as you want to calculate the cumulative average, you can apply the runningsum() formula to the result of the previous step. Let me know if this is helpful.
  15. Hello Margrida, If you go back to calendar view, you can use these settings to make it work: Do you want to do that in Capsule time View Only?
  16. Hello Patrick, In your screenshot, you are calculating the average on the Temperature Signal but I suggest you do that on "Temp when good" signal. Can you please try that and let me know if the result is correct and matches the metric output? I agree it seems a bit complex but switching from calculations in a spreadsheet to capsules requires changing a bit the way you tackle problems. I hope this helps, --Selmane
  17. Hello Pat, indeed step two is where you didn't find the correspondance between Excel and Seeq. The Signal from condition you did will compute an average for every high efficiency capsule. In order to compute the average on all capsules, I suggest the following steps: Create a new "cleansed" temperature signal which equals to nothing outside the high quality periods and equals to temperature during those periods. This is equivalent to the filter you put on Column E. This formula should do the job: $temperaturesignal.remove($highqualitycondition) Create a new condition by merging the high quality capsules. This way, you will have a long period of time covering all temprature samples. This formula should do the job as well: $highqualitycondition.merge(2d). Please replace the 2d by the maximum interval between your capsules) Now you can calculate the average and standard deviation of the new created signals during the new condition. Please pay attention to maximum capsule duration field in the Signal From Condition tool Now you are all set, you can calculate the upper and lower limits with simple Formulas and you should obtain something similar to the below screenshot: Let me know if this works for you or not. Thanks, --Selmane
  18. Hello Christian, Since R59, we have introduced Organizer Templates which simplifies report creation across the organization. But if my understading is corret, your idea is to have multiple pages with the same header and footer as in PowerPoint or Word. This functioannality doesn't exist yet in Seeq Organizer but can you: Provide the process for creating this kind of reports? What is your current Seeq version? Thanks, Selmane
  19. Hello Jessica, You can use the Formula tool to transform any signal to continuous (tolinear()), discrete (todiscrete()) and step (tostep()). You also need to be careful about the max interpolation period between samples. You can add that parameter as an argument in the formula. For example: $temp.tolinear(24h). Can you please test these formulas and let me know if this works. Have a good day, Selmane
  20. Hello Yanmin, Do you want to replace the blank or just visually see that in the trend? If the latter, in the Import CSV tool, you can use "Step" in Interpolation method if the signal is step interpolated. Also, make sure you use the right amount of hours in the Max Interpolation. In your case, 48h should be sufficient. Is this what you were looking for? --Selmane
  21. Hello Nate, Is this a PI tag or an AF Formula? Can you show tag configuration, PI Vision or PI SMT screenshot + Workbook screenshot? And why is the data overwritten frequently? Is it a Manual Tag? --Selmane
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