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Posts posted by Yassine

  1. Thanks Thorsten, I already tried both validvalues() and setMaxInterpolation(), it didn't solve the question!

    Note: the gaps areas correspond to invalid data replaced by 0 using replaceNotValid(0) in the summed elements. The total seems not recognizing the replaced data.

  2. Hi all,

    I wanted to create a signal that calculate my compressor daily lube oil consumption. I used the score card metric function to calculate the daily rate change, but the issue is that when we fill in the tank, the calculation will provide wrong value. 

    shall I create short capsules for each filling event and calculate the daily rate between two capsules? or is there any other easier method 🙂 ?



  3. Hi experts,

    Could someone advise please:

    I have a signal with missing data and tried to fill the missed data gap. it's a straight forward line as you see in the attachment.

    I use the $signal.setMaxInterpolation(4weeks) formula, but the produced signal is looking similar to the original one with no interpolation.

    did I missed something with the interpolation.

    Thanks in advance




  4. Perfect.. it works.. the only thing I changed from your approach is that I used for Current_hours as the running run-hours from the compressor itself and not the created signal max_run_hours so the MTBF 1 trend looks sloped compared to the  MTBF you proposed. That works pretty fine.

    Thanks Patrick


  5. Hi,

    I would like to calculate the MTBF (Mean Time Between Failures) of a compressor. I have the running hours signal and captured capsules for failures. I want to create a trend showing the MTBF over time (MTBF= [current running hour - running hours at the beginning of the year]/the number of failures during the running year).

    Q1: I used $Capsule.aggregate(count(),years(),startkey()).toStep() to display failures trend (it should be increasing over a year with the new failures) but this gives me the total over that year without showing step change against the next failure capsule.

    Q2: how can I implement the MTBF formula in my calculation?



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