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  1. Can I compare signals in Formula to create conditions rather than doing a Value Search?
  2. Overview Often times two (or more) units that the same products and unit procedures. This is common in continuous processes that are running a specific "grade"; also in batch processes that are manufacturing the same product ID. Since they are identical pieces of equipment or units, the “profiles” of critical process parameters are similar and we want to use profiles from multiple units for our reference profile. In this example we will create a profile from 2 units - the same process can be applied for additional units ad infinitum. Then we will apply this profile to a running batch to look for deviations in near real-time. Step 1: Add Signals and Conditions to Display Add the signals for profiling. Then specify the modes of operation, or unit procedures, using Seeq's Condition logic to create capsules - there are various ways to do this using Seeq's Capsule logic Formula, Value Search, Custom Condition, Composite Condition, etc. Shown below are temperature signals for two units R-401 and R-402, along with their corresponding unit operations. Note that some capsules are overlapping in time, but don't worry, Seeq will handle this just fine. Step 2: View the signals in Capsule Time Here we use the Seeq trending tools to examine the profiles. Capsule Time is a great way to do this. The 'Group' button in the menu can select the appropriate capsules to overlay the signals - and handle those pesky overlapping capsules on the different units. We can filter out additional capsules if we want; but let's use them all in this example. Here are the profiles we’ll use to make our reference profile: Step 3: Build the Reference Profiles The key to building a reference profile with multiple signals and conditions is to use the Formula Tool. The Reference Profile Tool in the Tools Pane provides a nice user experience for a single signal with a single condition - that approach won't work for us here. We will create two unique profiles, upper and lower, but we’ll need 4 formulas so we can repeat the profile over both the R-401 unit procedures and the R-402 unit procedures. We “selected” each capsule in the formula by creating a bunch of capsule groups that just contained a single capsule. This approach works in all cases including overlapped capsules. Here’s the formula for the upper profile, +3 Standard Deviation, repeated over R-401 and we plotted the reference profile in capsule view. Below is the Formula that we used, for easy cutting/pasting. *Pro Tip* - Use the Start and End times from the Capsules Pane to define the capsule() times in the toGroup() function. The times do not have to match the exact times of the capsule - they only need to fully enclose the single capsule. Usually this gives us a little wiggle-room on the times. This formula uses the referenceTable() function to build the profile across the 2 units and 2 signals. We specified each capsule and each corresponding signal in each capsule then added them using addRows() to the referenceTable(). Then we told Seeq which condition to draw the reference profile using repeatOver() along with the statistic to calculate, +3 StdDev, in this case. Important! The referenceTable() function must include Bounded Capsules, i.e. those with specified maxDurations, otherwise you will get an error suggesting to use the removeLongerThan() function. Make sure that the $c401 and $c402 conditions are either bounded or were created with the removeLongerThan() function. $R401_1 = $c401.toGroup(capsule('2019-10-07T05:00-06:00', '2019-10-07T07:00-06:00')) $R401_2 = $c401.toGroup(capsule('2019-10-07T09:00-06:00', '2019-10-07T11:00-06:00')) $R401_3 = $c401.toGroup(capsule('2019-10-07T15:00-06:00', '2019-10-07T16:30-06:00')) $R401_4 = $c401.toGroup(capsule('2019-10-07T16:30-06:00', '2019-10-07T18:00-06:00')) $R401_5 = $c401.toGroup(capsule('2019-10-08T00:00-06:00', '2019-10-08T02:00-06:00')) $R402_1 = $c402.toGroup(capsule('2019-10-07T05:30-06:00', '2019-10-07T07:30-06:00')) $R402_2 = $c402.toGroup(capsule('2019-10-07T11:00-06:00', '2019-10-07T13:30-06:00')) $R402_3 = $c402.toGroup(capsule('2019-10-07T14:00-06:00', '2019-10-07T15:15-06:00')) $R402_4 = $c402.toGroup(capsule('2019-10-07T15:20-06:00', '2019-10-07T16:40-06:00')) $R402_5 = $c402.toGroup(capsule('2019-10-08T00:30-06:00', '2019-10-08T02:30-06:00')) $rt = referenceTable (2min) .addRows ($t401, $R401_1) .addRows ($t401, $R401_2) .addRows ($t401, $R401_3) .addRows ($t401, $R401_4) .addRows ($t401, $R401_5) .addRows($t402, $R402_1) .addRows($t402, $R402_2) .addRows($t402, $R402_3) .addRows($t402, $R402_4) .addRows($t402, $R402_5) .repeatOver($c401 , ReferenceTableStat.StdDev, 3 ) $rt Repeat the above process for the R-401 lower profile. *Pro Tip* - Use the 'Duplicate' functionality by clicking on the 'Item Properties' i-icon in the Details Pane. Then we only need to change the "3" to a "-3" at toward the end of the formula to do a -3 Standard Deviation. Repeat this process 2 more times for the R-402 upper and lower profiles. We only need to change the parameter in the repeatOver() function from $c401 to $c402. Here is everything plotted in Calendar Time as Reference Profiles and then as Boundaries after using the Boundary Tool. And now with Boundaries: Step 4: Apply Boundary to Running Unit Lastly, let's apply this boundary to a currently running mode of operation or batch. Let's focus on unit R-401 at the moment. All that we need to do is add the currently running capsule to the existing 'R-401 Unit Procedure - Product X' Condition. This can be done in a variety of ways using Seeq's Formula functions for modifying conditions. Here I'll simply add a Capsule by drawing it using the Custom Condition tool. Note, the result is a capsule that shows the boundary of the running batch, projected into the future. This same approach can be applied to unit R-402. Seeq is able to handle any arbitrary amount of units, signals, overlapping or not to create your reference/golden profiles.
  3. Background: I have a sensor that shows a step change in the amplitude of the signal noise a couple of days prior to instrument failure. It would be useful to be able to identify that step change in the amplitude of the noise so that preventative maintenance can be scheduled rather than running the instrument to failure and causing an unplanned shutdown or production loss event. Solution: Use a combination of Formula and the Value Search tool to identify when this increased signal noise is occurring. Starting signal: 1. Use Seeq Formula and the runningDelta() and Abs() functions to calculate the absolute value of the running delta of the signal of interest. The formula code to achieve this is: //calculates absolute value of running delta of signal $signal .runningDelta() .abs() 2. Use the Value Search tool to identify the periods of time when this absolute value of running delta signal is above some threshold. In this example we use the remove short capsules/gaps functionality to remove capsules and gaps shorter than 1 hour to capture a single event each time the instrument noise increases.
  4. Hi All, I'm trying to get a solution for the missing value imputation. Is there any ways to it like filling missing values with "Mean" or "Median". Below is the screenshot for the same. Regards, Jitesh Vachheta
  5. Background In this Use Case, a user created a condition to identify when the compressor is running. During each Compressor Running capsule, the compressor operates in a variety of modes. The user would like a summary of the modes of operation for each capsule in the form of a new signal that reports all modes for each capsule (i.e. Transition;Stage 1;Transition;Stage 2;Transition, Stage 1;Transition). Method 1. The first step is to resample the string value to only have data points at the value changes. It's possible the signal is already sampled this way, but if it is not, use the following Formula syntax to create a "compressed" signal: $stringSignal.tocondition().setMaximumDuration(3d).transformToSamples($capsule -> sample($capsule.getStart(), $capsule.getProperty('Value')), 4d) 2. Now, you can create a signal that concatenates the string values during each capsule. This is achieved using the following Formula syntax: $compressorRunning.setmaximumduration(10d).transformToSamples($cap-> sample( $cap.getStart(), $compressedStringSignal.toGroup($cap).reduce("", ($s, $capsule) -> $s + $capsule.getvalue())), 7d).toStep()
  6. You can use the start and end times of capsules to create new capsules with an arbitrary time before or after. This is useful when the process expert knows that there is a time period of interest before or after a capsule start or end timestamp. Refer to the example below. Here we have a series for the Area A Compressor Power shown in blue. We have created capsules shown in green for when the compressor is running in the high state, above 30kW. In this example, we want to create a capsule series that starts when the compressor exits the high stage (goes below 30kW) and then ends at exactly 2 hours later (or any other arbitrary time specified by the user). All we need to use is the following Seeq Formula: This formula creates a new set of capsules that start at the end of the “Compressor Power > 30” capsules and end exactly 2 hours later. The functions afterStart(), beforeStart() and beforeEnd() can be used similarly. For example, to create a set of capsules that capture the two hours prior to our “compressor high” condition, we can simply modify the formula above by changing “afterEnd” to “beforeStart.”
  7. Background In this Use Case, a condition was created to identify when a compressor is running. Let's say I'd like to extend each capsule in this condition so that instead of ending when the compressor turns off, it ends when the next compressor running capsule starts. Method The method used depends on the Seeq version. Seeq R21.0.42 and Later Version R21.0.42 introduced the .growEnd() operator; this operator grows capsules in in a condition by extending the end until the start of the next capsule. Earlier Versions (Before R21.0.42) 1. First, create a condition that is the inverse of the Compressor Running condition. This can be achieved using the .inverse() function in Formula 2. Next, extend each Compressor Running capsule so that they overlap with the Downtime capsules. This is achieved using the .move() function in Formula. 3. Finally, combine the Downtime and Compressor Running - Extended conditions use the union logic in the Composite Condition tool.
  8. FAQ: I would like to create a condition for the summer season that runs from May 1 - September 30, but when I use the Periodic Condition tool to create a monthly condition and select the months May-September, I get individual monthly capsules rather than one capsule for the entire summer. Is there a better way to do this using Seeq's tools? Solution 1 - Using Seeq Point & Click Tools: 1. Use the Periodic Condition tool to create a condition for May. 2. Use the Periodic Condition tool to create a condition for September. 3. Use the Composite Condition tool (join operator, inclusive of A, inclusive of B) to create a new condition that spans from the beginning of May to the end of September. Solution 2 - Using Seeq Formula: 1. Create a monthly Periodic Condition selecting all of you "summer months". Note that while it looks like one long capsule at the top of the display pane, it is actually 5 adjacent monthly capsules. You can confirm this by looking at the capsules pane in the bottom right hand corner of the application. 2. Use Seeq Formula and the merge() function to merge adjacent capsules. The appropriate syntax for merging adjacent capsules can be found by searching the word "merge" in the search documentation bar within Seeq Formula and scrolling to the example to "merge overlapping AND adjacent capsules". Note now in the capsules pane there are still the individual capsules for summer months, but there is a new green capsule that spans the entire summer as defined in this problem statement.
  9. I have a Boolean signal and would like to count the number of events over a specified time period. How can this be accomplished in Seeq? Thanks, Sam
  10. Hi- I have a process that goes through several different stages during its operation, e.g. 'Stage 1', 'Stage 2', 'Off' etc. I'd like to determine a count or frequency that my process is in each of these stages. What is the best way to do this?
  11. Hi all, I have created a workbench with three temperature signals (x, y, z) and I have added six value search conditions (x Hi, x Lo, y Hi, y Lo, z Hi, z Lo). A High and Low condition for each signal. This has created a list of 95 capsules for the six conditions. I am exporting the summary data to excel. The information tab contains a list of my 95 capsules. However, the Capsule Summary tab contains a list of 285 line items. I am seeing the information for all three signals against each capsule ID, rather than just the signal that capsules condition was configured against. I have tried only selecting one signal and its two conditions and exporting. But I still get all 95 capsules and 285 line items. Not sure if I am doing something incorrectly? I expected the Capsule Summary tab to list just the 95 capsules with the relevant stats? I would like to avoid having to create a workbench for each signal and its conditions. Is there another work around? Also the time stamps in the excel export appear as EST despite my profile and workbench being set to GMT? TIA
  12. A common analytics need is to create a signal with numerical values that are based on an existing condition. Users often want to translate a condition (on/off, good data/bad data, running/down, etc.) to a numerical value to be used in calculations. For example, a user may want to multiply a process signal by a 0/1 value based on when the process is down/running. This technique can also be used to replicate "if" logic or "if / else" logic, where different values are returned depending on if the condition is true/false. Converting a condition to a signal value can be easily accomplished in Seeq using the Formula Tool and the splice function. Here is an example where we convert a condition to a signal of 0s and 1s: 1. Use the Value Search Tool to create a HOT condition for time periods when the Temperature signal is > 90 degrees F: 2. Use the Formula Tool to convert the HOT condition to a 1 (when condition is true) and a 0 (when condition is false): 3. View the results in the trend. The new signal in lane 2 has a value of 1 when the HOT condition is true. Otherwise, the signal is 0. Additional Information Using Conditions and the Splice Function to Replace If Statements Content Verified DEC2023
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