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  1. FAQ: When in Scatter Plot view, is it possible to see the time stamp of a given sample? Specifically, I would like to know when outliers are occurring so that I can navigate back to trend view and further investigate what else was going on during that time frame. How to visualize the time frame: The best way to find a time frame of an outlying data point with the current version of Seeq is to make a condition that encapsulates that data point. The following example shows how to identify what your condition should be, create a condition, color code your scatter plot to highlight samples that occur during your capsules, and view the start and end time of your capsules in the capsules pane. 1. We have a scatter plot comparing two variables with some outliers, and we would like to know what the time stamps are when those outliers are occurring. In the example shown below, we have outlying data points when the Coil Inlet Temperature is below about 460F, and when the Flue Gas Exit Temperature is below about 805F. 2. We will create a condition for each of the outlying data point scenarios described above. In this example, we will do so using a simple value search for each. 3. Now when we return to scatter plot view, we have the ability to color our scatter plot based on various capsules. In versions prior to R.21.0.44, this is done using the "Capsules" button at the top of the Scatter Plot Display. In R.21.0.44 and later versions, this is done with the "Color" button. You can select Color based on conditions, and add your conditions. Then your scatter plot will show samples that fall within the capsules of your conditions in the color specified for your condition in the Details pane. 4. Add the capsule end time to the capsules pane to get the full time range that you want to further investigate in trend view. You can also utilize Seeq's Chain View feature from trend view to view what was going on with your signals of interest during your conditions.
  2. Sometimes it is helpful to show the date range of the Seeq content used in an Organizer Topic that is shown in the topic itself. One way to do this and reduce manual updates to the topic is to leverage a scorecard to achieve an auto-updating date range. The the below steps detail how to create a date range scorecard metric: 1) Create a string signal with descriptive text using formula. The string will be displayed in the scorecard. "Current Date Range".toSignal() 2) Create a simple scorecard metric that measures the string signal created in step 1. The result is a scorecard metric showing the date range in the header and the descriptive text in the cell. 3) Remove the column with the scorecard metric name by selecting the green "x" at the top of the metric. 4) Insert the scorecard into the Organizer Topic and apply the desired date range. The scorecard will reflect the date range configured and applied from the Topic.
  3. For reporting purposes, I want to calculate statistics based on the most recent period(capsule) and display that along with the periods immediately preceding it. This can be done in Organizer using the custom date range by creating a Periodic Condition and selecting the capsule closest to or offset by one from the end. The same date ranges or capsules relative to now can be created in Seeq Workbench as well. Organizer: Workbench: We create the same condition as the above Organizer in Workbench by following the methods below. The first method defines how to create conditions for current and previous conditions for years, days, weeks, shifts. The second method includes an extra step that is necessary for current and previous months and quarters since the exact duration of these periods can vary based on the number of days each month. Method 1 - when the length of time in each period is definitive (e.g. year, week, day, shift). This example shows how to create conditions for "Current Week" and "Previous Week" 1. Create a Periodic Condition for "Weekly" using the Periodic Condition tool. 2. Create a Condition around the current time ("Now") using Formula --> condition(1min, capsule(now() - 1min, now())) 3. Use the Composite Condition tool to create a condition for "Current Week" when the Periodic Condition "Weekly" touches the tiny capsule at "Now". 4. Use Formula to create a condition for the "Previous Week" --> $currentWeek.beforeStart(7d) Method 2 - when the length of time in each period is variable (e.g. month, quarter). This example creates a condition for "Current Month" and "Previous Month" 1. Create a Periodic Condition for "Monthly" using the Periodic Condition tool. 2. Create a Condition around the current time ("Now") using Formula --> condition(1min, capsule(now() - 1min, now())) 3. Use the Composite Condition tool to create a condition for "Current Month" when the Periodic Condition "Monthly" touches the tiny capsule at "Now". 4. Use Formula to create a Condition for the last day of the last period (in this case "Last Day of the Last Month") $currentMonth.beforeStart(1d) 5. Use the Composite Condition tool to create a condition for the "Previous Month" when the Periodic Condition "Monthly" touches the "Last Day of Last Month". Content Verified DEC2023
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