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Found 7 results

  1. Say I’ve set up a Seeq workbench analysis exactly just how I’d like it, with a TON of customizations to the trend aesthetics, a number of active/inactive signals, conditional statements, a few sprinkled in formulas, etc. I'd like to continue making similar workbench analyses for a remaining number of signals belonging to my process area, but it's a pain to reproduce the same workbench analysis N times over manually. Is there a way to export my workbench analysis into some sort of CSV file that allows me to see each field and its associated value (e.g. which signals are actively trending, what lane they're on, how the trend is visualized like line width and color, what conditional statements exist and how they're defined, etc.)? I'd then want another script that can take that CSV file and reproduce the EXACT SAME workbench analysis with all its associated aesthetics, active/inactive signals, conditional statements, formulas, etc. I'd also hope that the script which outputs a workbench analysis could output several workbench analyses all at once and optionally compile them all into a blue workbook. The implications of something like this would be immense for my role as it would enable me to very quickly take a concept workbench analysis and reproduce it N times with different signals and tailored analyses depending on the signal. Does this exist? Will I need to become a part-time coder and write the script myself?
  2. Hi everyone. I got an issue while using OData Export to visualize my data on Power BI. After using an access key, I got this error message: It says: Unable to Connect We encountered an error while attempting to connect. Details: "The feed metadata document does not appear to be valid. Error: A type has conflicting definitions for the property max" What might I have done incorrectly ? Thanks for your responses, Adam
  3. Asset groups and asset trees (link) are used frequently in Seeq for asset swapping calculations, building treemap visualizations, and scaling tabular results across assets. In some cases, users want to export calculated results for assets from Seeq Workbench to Excel or perhaps to Power BI. The following example illustrates a technique for doing this efficiently with a single export. 1. Asset group for 8 furnaces contains an "Outlet Temperature" signal that we want to calculate and export daily statistics (avg, std deviation, min, max) for: 2. Note that the "Daily Statistics" condition is created with a Formula that is part of the asset group. This is key to enabling the data export across all assets. See the formula for the "Daily Statistics" condition below for Furnace 1. Note that we create a daily condition and then add the temperature statistics as capsule properties, and assign an asset name property. These details are also essential in setting up an efficient export. As a reminder, we need to edit the "Daily Statistics" formula for each furnace to assign the correct furnace number to the Asset Name capsule property. For this example (only 8 assets), this is easy to do manually. For a large asset group (50, 100 or more), a better approach would be to create an asset tree using Data Lab, and programmatically create the individualized "Daily Statistics" conditions. 3. Next, we navigate the asset group and add the Daily Statistics condition for each furnace to the trend display in Workbench, which makes it easy to set up the "Daily Furnace Statistics for Export" in step 4. 4. Create the "Daily Furnace Statistics for Export" condition which will have overlapping daily capsules for the 8 furnaces. Here, we combine the separate Daily Statistics conditions (for all 8 furnaces) into a single condition. For the export to work as expected in a later step, we need to slightly offset the capsules using the move() function, so that they do not have identical start times. 5. Next, we visually check the capsules and their properties on the trend (Asset Name and Daily Avg) and in the capsules pane on the lower right. Everything looks as expected, we have a capsule for each furnace for the day of May 24. 6. The export to Excel or to other applications via OData can now be set up. The key is to export only the "Daily Furnace Statistics for Export" condition, and to set the time range appropriately based on your objectives. Here, we only want the results for 1 day: 7. Checking the export on the Excel side, all looks good. We have the daily statistics, scaled across all furnace assets, with one row for each furnace: To summarize, the following are keys to this technique for exporting calculation results across all assets, from Seeq Workbench: Store the calculation results as capsule properties in a condition that is an item in the asset group, and also assign an asset name property (see Step 2 above). In this example we used a daily time basis for calculations, but the techniques can be applied and extended for many scenarios. To store the results across all assets, create a single condition for export, which is a combination of all the individual asset "calculation results" conditions, and offset capsules slightly as needed to avoid capsules having identical start times (see Steps 3 and 4 above). In this example, we only had 8 assets so all formulas could be created interactively by the user. For large asset structures, the asset tree and formulas, including the final condition for export, can be created programmatically using Data Lab (link).
  4. Hi, I have a signal that has the values as string type(created using combinewith() function for combining multiple conditions and their properties). I also have a set of other conditions which I am selecting while exporting to excel. I want to know, for each condition, what is the duration of the capsule and what is the signal value (string value) during that timestamp. When I try to export the above data to excel, it shows the duration for each condition, but under the "Signal" column, just shows the signal name instead of the values. Could you please try and help me resolve this issue? Regards, Swapnil G.
  5. I have several histograms set up to evaluate our process performance based on product criteria. It works great, except for two things... Is there a way I can hide histograms like I can with signals and conditions? I want 14 histograms in my analysis, but with them all displayed at once, it's impossible to see the data. Secondly, is there a way to export the histogram data to Excel (or anything Excel can manage)? Right now I am trying to mouse over each bin result and record it, but that is very time consuming.
  6. Currently in Seeq (June 2021) there is not a method to export ungridded signal data. There are a couple of development items in the works which will help in the future but for the moment this is the best work around for oData connections. As a reminder if you just need the data in excel, there is an ungridded raw timestamp option available for the excel export. Lets use the following setup as our example. We have a condition which represents my batches and we have a simple temperature signal that I want to get the average value of for each batch. Step 1 - Create my Average temperature per batch KPI using the Signal from Condition tool. In this example we are selecting the start of the batch to place the KPI timestamp. Step 2 - Re-grid my discrete points onto a known fixed grid. This step will loose some fidelity with the batch start timestamps and is the main drawback of this method. Pick a re-grid interval that ensures that you will not have two points inside the same interval (hours, minutes, days, weeks) $AveCycleTemp.aggregate(average(), hours(), startkey()) Step 3 - Step export on the same new grid by selecting Custom grid period and Days, minutes, hours to match your re-grid interval from Step 2. Select the OData Sample Table endpoint when you create the export. Step 4 - One final optional step to clean things up in your BI tool is to remove all the null points when you import the oData feed. The example below shows the process in the PowerBI Power query editor but there should be similar steps in other tools.
  7. Hello everyone, I was wondering whether there was a way for me to export or download a list of all the indexed data that is connected to the workbench. I don't need to values in these files, rather just a list of the names of all the indexed files in there. Thank you, Vegini
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