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  1. Hello Seeq, I have a bad actor pump that requires relatively frequent maintenance and replacement. I am using a flow measurement in Seeq to indicate whether my pump is operating or not but I'm having trouble creating a new signal that captures the running hours/days of my pump at any given time. I was able to use Signal from Condition to give me each operating periods total duration (see attached) but I'm looking for a more continuous signal. Please let me know if there is a way to accomplish this in Seeq.
  2. Frequently asked question: How do i highlight capsules? I am looking at quite a few capsules in capsule time, is there any way i can compare or highlight a few of them against the rest to compare performance? Lets say i want to look at the most recent batch compared to all batches in the last month, look at one start up or shut down against several historical, or any number of other reasons why we might want to compare capsules in Capsule Time. Luckily, this is easy in Seeq! While in capsule time, simply select one or several capsules in the capsule pane to highlight them against the rest: Alternatively, if you do not know the date of the problem capsule but you can tell that it stands out, you can just click on it in the display pane to highlight it and it will be selected in the capsule pane for you to dig into further! If you want to un-select one of the highlighted capsules in capsule time, just click on it again and it will be dimmed. Image captured in Seeq R21.043
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