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  1. So I have code that I am trying to merge when there are more than one sensor tests in a day, but when I try and limit the merge to the end of the day with a periodic condition created, it doesn't take it as merge doesn't like merging based off of other capsules, though that's what I would like for it to merge off of as it is the time period I want for each day. Here's the code and I can show what I want with a quick fix that's only foolproof to the point of shorter periods of time but doesn't cover sensor test late in the day. //When there is more than one test per day, finding the time between those tests as //potential downtime to be safe. //Count Sensor Tests per day $testsPerDay = $sta.aggregate(count(),days('US/Eastern'),durationkey()) //Only include tests if more than 1x per day $repeatTests = $sta.inside($testsPerDay > 1) // Create a condition for each day //$days = days('US/Eastern') // Join all events together $mergeIt = $repeatTests.afterend(0ns).merge(24h) $mergeIt Below is what is created currently with this code. But what I want is this below which I can achieve as a quick fix by changing the merge hours to 12h instead, which makes it pick up what I want. I want to only make capsules that include the sensor test and the time between those capsules. If there are more than 2 capsules, it'll capture from the first one in the day to the last one in the day, even if it's the 28th one. The reason I can't leave it at 12h is because the first CDT that occurs doesn't trigger a capsule to be created drifts over time. This means that capsule, during one part of the year may be happening at 6am instead of around 7am, where it is now. This is what I want it to look like. In this last picture below I have the daily interval you can see in the main two pics that I want the merge function to follow to. Thanks for the help and hopefully this isn't super confusing.
  2. Seeq's grouping functionality is helpful when you want to align multiple conditions and signals, but a signal (or set of signals) only applies to a subset of the conditions. Grouping a signal with a condition will only display that signal during the grouped condition. For example, here I have two temperature signals and a condition for each signal. I have used Profile Search to identify the profile for each signal I would like to compare. When I use Chain View or Capsule Time, the default will cause both signals to show up during each capsule. In this Chain View, the information of Reactor Temperature 1 is not relevant during the Profile Reactor 3 condition and vice versa: In order to view only the relevant signal information, I can use the grouping functionality in Chain View and Capsule Time to compare the relevant signals during each condition: 1) Select grouping in the toolbar. 2) Navigate to the grouping icon next to the condition in the details pane and select the signal that corresponds to the condition. Select multiple signals, if necessary. I can also view this in Capsule Time. As an additional option, I can overlay both signals using the One Lane and One Axis selections in the tool bar:
  3. FAQ: We have various conditions that are calculated from signals on a variety of different equipment and assets. We would like to view them in a histogram that is broken out by month, and for each month each asset has a separate bar in the histogram. Example Solution: 1. For three signals, we want to create a histogram that is the total time per month spent above some threshold. In this example, each signal is associated with a different cooling tower Area. 2. We have a condition for when each signal is above it's threshold value. These conditions were created using the value search tool. 3. The three conditions can be combined into a single condition (here it is called "Combined In High Mode w Area as Property"). In the formula tool, before combining the conditions, we assign each condition a property called 'Area' and set the value as that particular asset area. Once the properties are set we use the combineWith() function to combine them into one final signal. The formula syntax below will achieve this: //Create a new condition for each original condition that has a property of 'Area'. $A=$AHigh.setProperty('Area','Area A') $G=$GHigh.setProperty('Area','Area G') $I=$IHigh.setProperty('Area','Area I') //Combine the new conditions created into a new condition with all of the high power modes where each capsule //has a property of 'Area' that describes the signal that was searched to identify that original condition. combineWith($A,$G,$I) ***Note: the combineWith() function in Seeq Formula is required here because it will retain capsule properties of individual conditions when combining them. Using union() or any other composite condition type logic will NOT retain the capsule properties of the individual condition.*** 4. Use the Histogram tool and the multiple grouping functionalities to aggregate over both time, and the capsule property of 'Area'. Final Result: (remove other items from the details pane to view just the histogram)
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