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  1. Overview: Many of our users monitor process variables on some periodic frequency and are interested in a quick visual way of noting when a process variable is outside some limits. Perhaps you have multiple tiers of limits indicating violations of operating envelopes or violations of operating limits, and are interested in creating a visualization like that shown below. Solution: Step 1. Load the signal you are interested in monitoring as well as the limits into the display pane. The limits can be added directly from the historian, or if they do not exist in the historian they can be created using Seeq Formula. Step 2. Open a new Scorecard Metric from the tools panel, create a simple scorecard metric on your signal of interest, with no statistic. Click the "+" icon to optionally enter thresholds, and add the threshold color limits that you are interested in visualizing. Note that the thresholds input in the boundary tool can be constant (entering a numeric value) or variable, selecting a signal or scalar. CONTENT VERIFIED MAY2024
  2. Summary: I want to create a process variable monitoring dashboard to view my trends over the last day. Step 1. Create a new Organizer Topic. From the Seeq home screen, click the "New" drop down and select "Organizer Topic". Step 2. Use the "Insert Table" button to insert a table with an many row and columns as you would like charts in your dashboard, or insert a template to provide you with a starting layout for your content. Insert Table: Insert Template: Step 3. In a blank table, or to adjust formatting on a template, use the table formatting options (available by clicking into the cell in the table or highlighting multiple cells) to merge cells, for example you can merge the top row to create a title row if desired. From the table formatting options, you can also change the background color of the cell by selecting Cell Properties. Step 4. Click into the cell that you want to insert your Seeq trend into and, with your cursor in the cell, use the Seeq Q logo in the top left of the toolbar to insert Seeq content. Alternatively, insert your content anywhere in your Topic and cut and paste the content into the correct cell in the table. Tip: to adjust the size of your content once inserted select the content, select the blue Seeq Q icon, and customize content size, shape, and more. Step 5. Repeat step 4 for each monitoring chart you want to view in your dashboard. Step 6. Create a custom date range to apply to the Seeq content in your dashboard. This example shows how to create a daily auto-update frequency. Click the + icon in the Date Ranges panel to open a new custom date range window. Then click on Auto Update. Customize your display range and then click Next. Select how often you want your update to occur (in this case Daily) and when you want it to update (in this case, 6AM Pacific). Make sure to click Save! If you'd like to be notified when your dashboard updates, expand the Notify when Schedule Runs option to enable notifications to your email. Step 7. Share your dashboard with your peers by clicking on the Share icon in the top right, with options for an Edit, View, or Presentation link. Presentation View: Alternatively, share a PDF by selecting the PDF icon on the toolbar. PDF: Content Verified DEC2023
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