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Ruby Han

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Posts posted by Ruby Han

  1. Thanks for responding. I have not really tried your approach yet as I found a post that provided a solution that I was kind of looking for. This is the post URL: Replace Gaps in Data with an Average Value from Previous Time Frame - General Seeq Discussions - Seeq Community Website 

    To summarize the post, it's basically imputing on the missing gaps with the average value for X time period which is essentially what I'm looking for. However, when I tried replicating the solution and modifying the 10 min in order to make it a dynamic parameter for $conditionForDataGaps.move(-10min,0min), I'm getting an error as the dynamic parameter is basically the capsule duration which is a variable signal type.




    $w - brown trend

    $capsuleDuration - yellow trend

    $gapCondition - pink capsules

    green trend is the signal I'm determining where $gapCondition is at.

    @Chris Orr recommended a transform for the move parameter but I'm not knowledgeable enough to implement that here. 

    I hope this clarifies my problem. Thanks!


  2. Hello,

    I am wondering if there is a Seeq function to determine the last X days of valid data. For instance, in the last 7 days, 2 of those days are downtime or invalid data while 5 days are valid data. So hence, I would like to expand the reference window size to more than the set 7 days in order to include 7 days of actual valid data. Is there currently an out of the box function or a workaround?

    Thank you.

  3. I've archived the workbook and tried replicating what I did and recreated a pushed signal so not exactly the same as the previous example. It looks like it's working. I will send a support ticket if I see the same phenomena again.


  4. I do think there is a valid value at that timestamp for the first example. The second example's timestamp is the exact same as the first. I tried setting grid=None and it did work, but I still am a little baffled as to why the first example displays null values instead.

  5. Hello,

    I was referencing the spy documentations and found this (I think it was in one of the spy.assets module). May I know what open source libraries Seeq is using to generate the tree visualization show below? Or was that made from scratch within Seeq?

    Thank you,

    Ruby Han

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