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Posts posted by Ali

  1. Hello, 

    I have a signal that presents the total rolling downtime duration for 1 week every 3 hours. I'm trying to extract each value from the signal and create a condition such that each capsule has the same duration of the extracted value. I would usually use periods(1week,3h) if I have a constant value of one week duration.

    The intent here  is to create a condition to calculate a rolling average of a signal based on a unit downtime values. 


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  2. Thank you Thorsten & Teddy. 


    I used both of the formulas you mentioned but for some reason I only getting the future time signal. 


    I used:       (timesince(toTime(now()),1d)*2).setUnits('F')     for green line

    And            $Temp.forecastConstant(365d)+$f10                   for orange line {$f10 is the green line}



  3. Hello, 

    I'm trying to use the signal() formula to create a signal that increases by 2 F  temp. per day for one year. For some reason, when I build the

    $newsignal = signal(Interpolation.Linear, 365d, sample(now(),100), sample(now()+365d, 100+2*365))

    $signal.ForecastSplice($newsignal) , it only interpolates and shows values for the next 60-70 days. Is there a reason why I can build a longer trend and splice it with an existing signal ?




  4. Hello, 

    I'm using the aggregate formula and I'm having hard time understanding Startkey() & middlekey().  Endkey() is very clear. 

    I used $s.aggregate(average(),periods(1year,1day),Endkey()) to calculate the yearly rolling avg and time stamp it at the end of each day. 

    I did the same thing for 6 month capsules $s.aggregate(average(),periods(1year,6month),Endkey()) and the end value of both data is equal. 

    When I use middlekey(): $s.aggregate(average(),periods(1year,6month),middlekey()) , I thought Seeq would calculate the middle value of the capsule meaning  the last bar value on the graph below would calculate the average of 9/30/2018- 9/30/2019. 

    And for the startkey(), I thought the last bar value represents the beginning of the capsule rolling back 365 days.  from 6/30/2018- 6/30/2019. 

    Please advice. Thanks




  5. Thorsten,

    Thanks a lot, this worked as intended. I have another question please. If I want to input future data for the green curve and then need to extend the rolling averages curve to predict how the rolling average changes with time and input data. Is it possible to do that in Seeq?

    My intention is to input weekly/monthly future predictions data points and then see how the rolling averages for previous year changes with the input data.



  6. Thorsten, 

    I used your formula to calculate the rolling avgs of previous year. I got the following trend (Formula2). 


    The green trend showing an avg of 0.0044 based on the previous year ending 12/11/2019 at 6:16 pm. However , when I check the same point of the rolling average in Formula 2, it's showing a different number of 0.004. This is case sensitive numbers, no decimals make a difference. I don't know why the rolling average at the same ending point (12/11 6:16pm)  is not the exact same as the initial trend. I even downloaded data to excel to verify the numbers. Thanks

  7. Hello, 

    I'm trying to build a trend of yearly rolling averages based on an existing trend. 

    I know if use signal from condition and then I input the condition and the bounding condition (yearly), it doesn't give me the rolling average for the past year. I need to look at it in a way where if I look at trend and select today's date, it gives me the average for the past year. So basically a trend of yearly rolling averages. Please help, thanks


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  8. Hello, 

    I'm trying to build a case where I need to predict catalyst performance and end of life time line. The catalyst end of life is based on few parameters. Do you have an example where you predict how a catalyst performs with time (Upcoming weeks/months) ? I would like to take historic filtered (based on key parameters) data and predict the upcoming performance according to the historic data. 


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