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Curious George

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Posts posted by Curious George

  1. Quick follow-up question:

    I want to do a scorecard with the following time periods:

    • So far today (midnight last night to now)
    • Yesterday (midnight 2 nights ago to 11:59pm last night)
    • So far this month (this month 1st at midnight up to now)
    • Last month (last month 1st at midnight up to last day of last month 11:59pm)

    I’m guessing I’ll be using code similar to that shown above, but how do I write the purple part to do the different times? Is there a function like in excel that would for example tell me today’s month like this MONTH(NOW())?

    Thanks in advance!

  2. I have a condition with several capsules of various lengths; how do I determine the time period or length of each capsule?  

    For example, my first capsule is 24 hours long, and then the next capsule is only about 3 hours.  I'm looking for a way where I can get this information for all of my capsules.

  3. Hello Seeq, 

    I have a bad actor pump that requires relatively frequent maintenance and replacement. I am using a flow measurement in Seeq to indicate whether my pump is operating or not but I'm having trouble creating a new signal that captures the running hours/days of my pump at any given time. I was able to use Signal from Condition to give me each operating periods total duration (see attached) but I'm looking for a more continuous signal. 


    Please let me know if there is a way to accomplish this in Seeq.

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