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  1. Teddy's post in Find the Rolling Averages was marked as the answer   
    I will preface this with saying that calculating a yearly rolling average can be slow. It requires looking at a lot of data.
    You can create the condition you are looking for with the formula tool. The following syntax will generate a condition with a capsule everyday extending 1 year. 


    See screen shot below for formula details.

    Lastly you can calculate the rolling average with the signal from condition tool.  See screen shot below for how to set up a yearly rolling average.

    Hope this helps,
    Content Verified FEB2024
  2. Teddy's post in Filter a Signal to View Only Samples with Values Above a Threshold was marked as the answer   
    The simplest method for filtering a signal to only view samples with values above a threshold is to use the .remove() function coupled with a numeric value comparison in formula. 
    Example formula:

    Resulting signal:

    Another method is to use the .remove() function in combination with a condition. This gives some added flexibility to further customize the condition you are removing data during vs just removing data under a certain threshold.
    Example using .grow() to increase the duration of the condition that data is being removed during:

    Resulting signal: 

    Depending on interpolation of the data, you could also consider using the .within() function. Check out the following post that explains the differences of working with .remove() and .within():
    Content Verified DEC2023
  3. Teddy's post in Create a Signal which Is Max or Min of Multiple Signals was marked as the answer   
    Writing it like the following is only supported for scalars:
    If you want to use signals you will need to write it this. 
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