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Amanda Chng

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Posts posted by Amanda Chng

  1. Hi Siqi,

    If the tags being searched remains the same, splitting the spy.pull() into two separate functions will not take much longer than if the signals were pulled in one signal. 

    In your case, you can specify grid = None to avoid the interpolation, rather than using the formula parameter. Your pull should look something like this

    my_pull_1 = spy.pull(
        my_search.query("Name not in ('MODE', 'SP')"),
    my_pull_2 = spy.pull(
        my_search.query("Name in ('MODE', 'SP')"),


  2. Hi, thanks for your suggestion. Unfortunately we are currently unable to specify a capsule or condition as the training window.

    I'd recommend submitting this suggestion to our Support Portal (https://seeq.atlassian.net/servicedesk/customer/portal/3).  Feature requests like these can be submitted as an "Analytics Request", and we will then log it internally with our Product Team for follow-up.

  3. You can try this worksheet cloner add on tool. Your Seeq admin will need to help you install using the add-on tool manager.

    This is not a supported add-on meaning this is a solution or workaround created to address a specific issue raised by Seeq user and currently not a standard out of the box feature in Seeq. Seeq does not automatically test the functionality of the add-on on new versions and don't have a commitment to fix the add-on if it breaks with an upgrade.

    Please take note the worksheet cloner does not remap journal links so journal links should be removed prior to cloning or right after to avoid confusion. The worksheet cloner does not work with asset groups or csv uploads so workbooks with asset groups or csv uploads should be avoided.

    Here's the KB article on add-ons: https://support.seeq.com/kb/latest/cloud/add-on-development


  4. We can utilise the timeSince() function to achieve what you're trying to get at.

    First, we can create a downtime condition and use that inside the timeSince() function. This allows the signal to continue from the last value rather than resetting to zero. 

    $downtime =  not $uptime
    timeSince($year, 1d, $downtime)

    Next, we can use timeSince() to count the amount of time that's lapsed in the year

    timeSince($year, 1d)

    Finally, we can find the %Uptime 

    ($uptime_counter / $yearly_counter).convertUnits('%')


  5. In later Seeq versions, an alternative to the method above may be to use the countOverlaps() function, which will also generate a signal showing the number of capsules simultaneously occurring based on the input conditions.

    $a > 80,
    $b > 80,
    $c > 80,
    $g > 80,
    $h > 80,
    $i > 80)

    Take note that countOverlaps has a default sample period of 1 second, but this can be amended by adding a sample period before the conditions to be counted. Further details can be found in the formula documentation. 

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