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Pushing Items to the same Workbook

Go to solution Solved by Patrick,

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  • Seeq Team

We have a collaborative script but notice items are getting pushed to different Workbenches depending on which user runs the script, making collaboration difficult.

  • Seeq Team
  • Solution

When pushing from Data Lab the Data ID is constructed in the following form: [SCOPED_WORKBOOK_ID] {Item Type} Path >> To >> Item >> Item Name.

If the `workbook=` parameter is not specified in the push, SPy will default to 'Data Lab >> Data Lab Analysis', resulting in a different Workbook ID for each user.  Similarly, if a folder Path and/or Workbook Name is specified, the resulting Workbook ID will be different for each user.

To avoid different users pushing to different workbooks, specify the workbook the items are pushed to using the workbook ID, rather than the name (spy.push(metadata=df, workbook='0EE6EA9E-0D22-71A0-A9A2-CD50C033721D')).

This will ensure every user using a particular script pushes to the same workbook.

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