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Value Search - Advance

Go to solution Solved by Thorsten Vogt,

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Hi zaky,

I guess it is because of the maximum capsule duration which is limited to 1h. That means capsules longer than 1h will be discarded. In the capsules pane you can see that your capsules identified by the other condition are 3hrs in length. So I would modify this paramter first. Also, there is an icon with a yellow exclamation mark in the details pane on your condition. By clicking on it you can check if there are reasons why no capsules are in the display.




Hi zaky,

it is displayed like this as the signal is greater than 90 for at least 10 minutes. A common approach to identify periods where a signal is decreasing is calulating the derivative of the signal and compare the result to a threshold:



By ignoring gaps or capsules of specific length you can remove unwanted capsules, e.g. when your signal value is slighty changing during the stable periods.

Before calculating the derivative you should consider data cleansing like removing outliers or smoothing the signal.



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