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durationKey error for signal aggregation, "nanosecond gap only allowed with non-caled maxInterp"

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I need help with interpreting an error message I am recieving. 

I am trying to calculate a a signal aggreagtion for the delta of an angle signal. The aggregate signal is only supposed to last over a capsule called "activated". I want to use the durationKey() for this delta calculation, to get the runningDelta. When I am trying to perform this signal aggreagtion, either by using formulas or the built-in signal from condition tool, I get this error:


However with the signal from Condition tool I get a preview of the delta signal, but it can not be executed. It doesnt really look how I expect it to though.

Here is the formula for the "activated" condition:

Any clues to what could be causing the problem?

  • Seeq Team
  • Solution

Hi Joel - The issue is probably related to the your `removeLongerThan(1 month)` formula, which results in a calendar based maxinterpolation.  Try changing it to `.removeLongerThan(31 days)` to see if this fixes the error.

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