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spy.pull last value

Go to solution Solved by John Cox,

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Posted (edited)

I'm looking to pull current values for a large number of signals. What's the most efficient way to use spy.pull to do this?

For example, I'm trying to recreate this table that I can produce in table view by bringing in the "Last Value" column.

In my use case I am bringing in data from PI and just need the latest value - regardless of timestamp. Would going with endtime = now() be the best option with aggregation using endkey?



Edited by Tayyab
  • 3 months later...
  • Seeq Team

Hello, very sorry for the long delay time on this response. We overlooked your post. There are many ways to do this, here is one potential approach in Data Lab:

from seeq import spy
import pandas as pd
from datetime import datetime, timedelta

# Define current time in your time zone
current_time = pd.Timestamp.now(tz='US/Eastern')

# Define a start time slightly before the current time
start_time = current_time - timedelta(minutes=1)

# Pull data for all signals in the worksheet URL specified, set grid time to only get back one value
data=spy.pull('Seeq worksheet_url',start=start_time.isoformat(),end=current_time.isoformat(),grid='1min')

  • Seeq Team
  • Solution

Also, if you have one or more signals you are pulling which do not have a value near current time and return NaN instead of the desired numeric or string value, you can add a "calculation" parameter in the spy.pull to "hold" the last value forward up to the amount of time you specify. In the example below I used 30 minutes, but for lab data or other types of infrequently updating signals, you may need to make the time parameter significantly longer:

# Pull data for all signals in the worksheet URL specified, set grid time to only get back one value, use resampleHold to help with infrequently updating values

data=spy.pull('Seeq worksheet_url',start=start_time.isoformat(),end=current_time.isoformat(),calculation='$signal.resampleHold(30min)',grid='1min')

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