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Minima under certain condition

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Hello everybody, 

I want to calculate the Minima values of a continuous signal within each year, but only the Minima that are constant for a certain duration, e.g., for at least 1hour. (Maybe it would be good to define a +/- 5% fluctuation of this „constant@ value)
For Example, my signal is normally around 8 bar. In year 2017 There are a few dips of 2bar but only for a few minutes and a few dips of 3,2 bar for 2h. My function should give me the 3,2 bar out for this year. For 2018 it could be different. 
I hope that was described well enough? 
Thank you

Regards Mattes

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  • Seeq Team

You can try the solution below. 

  1. Set a low threshold to detect the minima, for example 5. 
  2. Create a formula $signal.remove(($signal < 5).removeshorterthan(1h)). This will remove the short dips (shorter than 1 hour) from your data. 
  3. Calculate the yearly minimum value of the signal in step 2 using Signal from Condition tool with a Yearly periodic condition as the bounding condition.
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