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I want to add like below



to my dashboard


my Dent count

$a = $k1m.aggregate(count(),$s, startKey()).tostep()
$b = $k2p.aggregate(count(),$s, startKey()).tostep()
$c = $k3gt.aggregate(count(),$s, startKey()).tostep()

$dent = $dm+$dc+$dg


so i have 3 flowmeter that i want to capture

and identify each dent into "Low Flow On "MST / PS / Gluten Thickener""?

is that possible?


need support

  • Seeq Team

If I understand your request correctly, you would like to group your Dent Count into 3 categories: MST, PS, or Gluten Thickener. One way to accomplish this is by creating new scorecard metrics to count the number of KPI 1: MST, KPI 2: PS, and KPI 3: Gluten Thickener capsules, respectively, over your $s shift condition. This process will result in 3 additional columns in your table, with each column representing the count of capsules for each KPI condition.

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