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How can we change start date format of each capsule to MMM-YY format.

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  • Seeq Team

Hello Prachya,

To do this you will need to 1) create a new signal whose value represents the reformatted 'Start' time of your condition and 2) then add a new property to your condition using the signal created in step 1:


Here is the formula for 1) Signal with Reformatted Start Time:

// This formula creates a signal whose value represents the start time
// of the condition of interest ($ExistingCondition), reformatted as MMM-DD

// change the 10d below to be a bit longer than the maximum duration of capsules in $ExistingCondition
// Next line is optional as needed to correct 
// for time zone (in this example I'm correcting to US/Eastern Time)
// This may be needed because .toSignal('Start') will give the Start time
// in UTC 

// convert 'Start' property to a string signal
// Extract out only the month and day from the 'Start' property
.replace('/(?<year>....)-(?<month>..)-(?<day>..)T(?<hour>..):(?<minute>..):(?<sec>..)(?<dec>.*)Z/' , 
// now, replace the month number with MMM
// Only need next line if making a time zone correction above.
// The 20d should be changed to be a bit longer than the
// maximum time BETWEEN capsules in $ExistingCondition.


Here is the formula for 2) Condition with a new "Reformatted Start" property defined. The formula uses the signal created in step 1) above:

// change the 10d below to be a bit longer than the maximum duration of capsules in $ExistingCondition

.setProperty('Start Reformatted',$ReformattedStartSignal,startValue())



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