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Identify Signal Name Responsible for Shutdown

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I have multiple binary signals which show when a particular variable is responsible for a compressor shutdown. For example, signal name PSLL710 will switch from 0 to 1 when the compressor shuts down on low suction pressure. I would like to create a condition with a custom property which will identify the signal name responsible for a shutdown.

I think I could do this manually but it would be very time consuming to create formulas containing 10-20 signal names/descriptions for multiple compressors across a number of different plants. This information already exists in the signal properties. Is there a way to pull the name/description from a signal instead of the signal value?

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  • Solution

Hi Darragh - Unfortunately I'm not aware of a simple way to extract properties such as signal name or description in Workbench.  Seeq is working on enabling such functionality, so I would recommend you submit a feature request ticket here so you are notified when it becomes available: https://seeq.atlassian.net/servicedesk/customer/portal/3

In the meantime, you would need to "hard code" the signal name/alarm for each SD condition using `setProperty()`.  If you are comfortable with Python, you can extract the metadata (Name, Description, etc) in Seeq Datalab to create the Conditions with an associated `setProperty()` in bulk.  A third option would be to create an Asset Group with a column for the shutdown cause for each signal.  It would still be a manual process to type/copy in the cause, but you can bulk apply the Property to each signal and, if desired, do a `combineWith()` of all the SD conditions when done.

  • Thanks 1

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