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Pulling data from several capsules within a specified time frame

Matt Kiesz

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I'm trying to configure a pull with specified time bounds and that has several capsules of interest. Ideally I'd like to only pull data within the capsule instead of pulling the capsule/condition value and my signal of interest (as samples) then filtering when the condition is met. Is there a straightforward way to do this? Thanks


For reference my pull currently/generically looks like this:

data = spy.pull(Signal_and_Condition,
         start=StartTime_tmp, end=EndTime_tmp,
         header='Name', grid='1s',quiet = True)


And the return, as expected, is a dataframe of samples with columns for my signal (data) and condition (boolean)

Edited by Matt Kiesz
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  • Seeq Team

The simplest way to achieve this with SPy is as you're doing it now -- pull both at the same time, and then filter using the condition column that's returned.

Your two other options would be to:

  • Pull the condition first, and then do individual pulls on ranges given by the capsules
  • Use formula to do $signal.within($condition), and then pull the filtered signal

What's your primary driver? Simplicity or performance?

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