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How to create multiple signals that depend on each other without pushing first...

Go to solution Solved by Mark Derbecker,

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I'm creating signals as follows in DataLab:

  • An average of multiple existing signals to create an average-per-batch signal
  • Six sigma std deviation bound signals for the average-per-batch signal
  • A scorecard metric that uses the six std deviation bounds as boundaries.  

I currently am pushing each of these separately so I can refer to the IDs in the subsequent signals.  Is there a way to refer to the yet-to-be-created signals from the dependent signals? 

  • Seeq Team
  • Solution

Hi Ben, yes you can, and it's a hole in our documentation that should be plugged. Take a look at this updated doc notebook, go to the Pushing calculated items section. Let me know if anything is unclear. I'll get this added to our online docs.

spy.push (1).ipynb

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