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Created a condition with capsules using spy.push... Cannot edit the resulting condition in workbench.

Go to solution Solved by Thorsten Vogt,

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I have an addon that creates a condition using spy.push to push a metadata dataframe and a data dataframe.  The metadata df has one row and columns "Name", "Type", and "Maximum Duration".  The data df also has one row with columns "Capsule Start" and "Capsule End". 

After spy.push'ing this to my worksheet, it looks perfect except...  I anticipated that the user would be able to add capsules to the condition just like they would if they created a manual condition through the UI.   Unfortunately, the resulting condition doesn't seem to be editable. 

Is there a way to create a manual condition with one capsule (because empty conditions aren't allowed by Seeq) using spy.push? 

  • Solution

Hi Ben,

pushing it only as metadata with a formula and the UIConfig property set worked for me:

             'Name': 'Manual Condition From Data Lab',
             'Type': 'Condition',
             'Maximum Duration': '2d',
             'Formula': 'condition(1h,  capsule("2024-12-03T00:00:00Z", "2024-12-03T01:00:00Z"))',



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