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  • Seeq Team

There are many cases where a moving average needs to be monitored. To create any statistic that is associated with a rolling time frame, first use the periods() function in Formula to create the periodic capsules. A few examples are listed below.

Seeq Formula
30 day average every 1 day
24 hour average every 1 hour
30 minute average every 5 minutes

The rolling capsules will appear overlapped in the capsules lane. Check the capsules pane to verify that the start times and durations meet your expectations. Once the periodic condition is created, then, use the  Signal from Condition tool to calculate the desired "moving" aggregation (average, minimum, maximum, standard deviation, etc.) to any signal. Below is an example of a 30-minute moving average sampled every 5 minutes on the Example Temperature data.


Edited by Siti Tay
Change the title from sliding to rolling (consistent with SC)
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  • Seeq Team

A moving average can also be done in Cleanse tool where this operator smooths a signal by averaging values with their neighbouring values.  Its important to note that this operator is intended to smooth a signal.  The aggregate operator should be used for computing averages on a periodic basis, such as hourly or daily moving averages.

The following example uses the moving average in Cleanse tool to resample the Temperature signal to 5 minutes and use a window size of 30 min.


Content Verified MAY2024


Edited by Siti Tay
change method from using formula to point and click tool
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  • Siti Tay changed the title to Aggregating Data with Rolling Windows in Seeq

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