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Everything posted by Teddy

  1. Elias, You can just click on the variable name, and change it to whatever you want. See screenshot below for details. I hope this helps. Regards, Teddy
  2. Augustin, I recommend saving your asset group and closing out of it then reopening it. There could be something that isn't fully saved yet that you are asking for. Another thing to try is to open the formula in a worksheet and try changing it there. Hope this helps. Teddy
  3. Micheal, Seeq can handle data down to the one nanosecond level which is 1,000,000,000 HZ I believe. As far as the grid resolution you might be a little limited there but it does go down to 0.001 seconds. See screenshot below. As for the plotting, the number of pixels the display has will likely limit the samples displayed. Seeq has a builtin algorithm to display the samples that best represent your data's profile during the range displayed. I would caution you to reduce your display range to a reasonable amount before putting a hi-frequency signal on the screen. Seeq will need to query the data from the historian so it maybe a decent load on your database. Regards, Teddy
  4. Francesco, It should stay indefinitely. However, you can with spy.push commands, rewrite or overwrite a period you have already pushed data to. If you are running into problems with that let me know and I can provide more information. Regards, Teddy
  5. Hello, Modifying the names through SDL unfortunately will not solve your problem. Seeq keeps track of items through their item ID. It is possible to fix calculations by remapping item IDs which can be done with SDL. However, I believe it is more common to swap the items out with the command line interface of Seeq. I would recommend reaching out to your Seeq contact or opening a Support ticket with Seeq so they can help suggest which path is right for your situation. support portal: https://seeq.atlassian.net/servicedesk/customer/portal/3 Regards, Teddy
  6. Hello, Hopefully someone will correct me if I am wrong since I haven’t followed the asset group development that closely. With that disclaimer out of the way. I believe what is happening is we are able to duplicate the calculations. However, duplicating the asset tree is tricky so parts of it may not be duplicating correctly giving you the error messages. If the calculation was able to be duplicated then it could still generate the signal (aggregation in your case) correctly but it probably is unable to put it in the tree. I believe there has been some more work done to allow for asset group duplication. There is still probably more to come as well. If you want more details, I recommend opening a support ticket with Seeq so that someone can take a closer look. (https://seeq.atlassian.net/servicedesk/customer/portal/3) Regards, Teddy
  7. Pat, The only workaround I can think of is to return them with the output item. Here is a link to a post that returns the properties as part of condition. A similar thing could be done for a one time prediction by constructing a string scalar as the output and using it to build the model. Then you would only need to refer to the string scaler to get all your properties. Hope this helps. Also I will check if there are any feature requests for this and add you to them. Teddy
  8. A connection to Bentley Nevada has been discussed in the past, but to my knowledge there are no production systems running with a connection to Bentley Nevada. It usually comes down to what type of data you are looking to pull from Bentley Nevada and does it make sense to use that data in your Seeq analysis. If you are interested in a Bentley Nevada connection, I would recommend contacting Seeq support or your point of contact to discuss in more detail. Regards, Teddy
  9. In version R60 and up Seeq supports native notifications for SaaS customers. Below is a link to the detailed documentation. https://support.seeq.com/space/KB/2594111502/Notifications+on+Conditions
  10. I think this is what you're looking for or at least something very similar. The following formula will find the max value of a signal during each capsule in the condition and then keep the capsules whose Max values fall within the range of 48 and 54. $condition.setProperty('max of signal', $signal, maxValue()) .keep('max of signal', isbetween(48,54)) Regards, Teddy
  11. MArgarida, If I understand your question correctly it sounds like you are trying to create a metric/scorecard metric with formula. Seeq doesn’t support the creation of metrics with formula. If this is what you are trying to do, I don’t think it will be possible. I would suggest opening a feature request and detailing what you are trying to do. If you are trying to do something else, can you provide a little bit more information on what your goal is. Link to support portal to submit feature request. You can send the feature request to the Analytics Help section. https://seeq.atlassian.net/servicedesk/customer/portal/3 Regards, Teddy
  12. Ivan, If you would like to resample, I would recommend doing it in a standalone formula prior to the regression formula. The reason for this is that only formula outputs are cached. The intermediates are not cached, so it would not reduce the number of samples that the formula needs to look at since it is doing the resampling in the same formula. Resampling in the same formula would reduce the samples in the fitting but typically it is better to reduce samples pulled. Resampling the predictor variables would have some benefit. Seeq will apply the prediction output to every sample so it would reduce the number of total samples that the output will be applied to. I would also recommend, only using the necessary order of predictors. Since you are writing it as a formula you can select which variables you need to have higher orders and which ones can be linear. Regards, Teddy
  13. Ivan, As you indicated the main concern is the fitting/refitting of the model. Depending on the scale I imagine this would take quite a bit of time. Any change to the inputs would force a refit. Also, if the inputs aren’t completely certain within the training window the model will look for new data and try a refit while the model is open. There are other events that could force a refit, like manual cache clearing, but that would be so infrequent I wouldn’t worry. Regards, Teddy
  14. FYI: I think English(Australia) will give you the 12 hour format so you may need to use the United Kingdom one.
  15. Kate, The date format is controlled by your web browser. In order to change it you will need to go to your browser’s settings and change it to a location that uses the format you desire. In google chrome this is the language setting. Another browser might be different. Screenshot of the Chrome Language Settings: Screenshot of the Seeq result: I hope this helps. Regards, Teddy
  16. Maren, I recommend trying to avoid setting the problem up in a way that it depends on an initial value if you can. Initial values lead to excessive calculations because it will need to calculate from the initial value to your current window. If finding the instantaneous residence time and averaging that over an hour is an option, it would be much more performant even when including mass weighted averaging. If you still want to go down the initial value route you will want to look at the reduce() function in formula. Regards, Teddy
  17. Can you explain in more detail how you are calculating residence time? It sounds like you are doing something more complicated than Volume/Flow.
  18. Ayub, It looks like dash or jupyter-dash is creating/hosting a web server to view the data from. It will be difficult to implement this on a Datalab server because of all the network and containerization complexities you would need to navigate. As long as you have a Datalab license you can authenticate and use spy (Seeq Python) from any IDE. Since the spy library can be imported into any IDE, I suggest running this locally or creating a server to host it so others can access your work. Regards, Teddy
  19. I ran some tests on R54 and everything worked as expected. I suggest opening a support ticket here (https://seeq.atlassian.net/servicedesk/customer/portal/3) so someone can take a closer look at what is going on. I would attach a link to this post in the ticket.
  20. Are you creating new signals during your updating? If you are creating new signals you will need to create a new export from the export tab. I tested formula changes on an OData connection to excel and it worked fine for me. I don’t have a Power BI license to test with. What version are you on? I can run a test on the same version to check. Teddy
  21. Feng, Do you connect to Seeq through a VPN? I am guessing this is a firewall issue and you are trying to send the data outside the firewall but I cannot say for certain with out knowing more about the architecture. Teddy
  22. To change the text in a document you would need to alter the HTML. It could probably be automated with spy.workbooks but it would be a lot of work. Also, if you wanted to copy the report and reuse it you would need to create a new script or make an addition to the script to separately handle the HTML for the new topic since they won’t be the same. I am not sure what version you are on but in newer versions you have the ability to make a date range as a text label. This feature might be what you are looking for. See screenshot below.
  23. Please note that R Squared is a discrete calculation it would be better to write the formula as follows: $ym = $signal.toDiscrete().aggregate(average(), $days, startkey()).toStep() $total = (($signal.toDiscrete()-$ym)^2).aggregate(sum(), $days, startkey()) $residual = (($signal.toDiscrete()-$prediction)^2).aggregate(sum(), $days, startkey()) $r2 = (1-($residual/$total)).toStep() return $r2
  24. Dan, Currently there is no option to append items using the spy.push command. I recommend pushing to a new worksheet and then adding the items manually through the data tab in order to not overwrite your current work. To push to a new worksheet you can set the worksheet parameter to None. spy.push(data=CapsuleData, metadata=pd.DataFrame([{ 'Name': 'Capsules Times', 'Type': 'Condition', 'Maximum Duration': '1d' }]), workbook='Practice', worksheet=None) I will attach a copy of your post to the feature request. Regards, Teddy
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