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  1. The above examples were helpful to select the capsule of A when there are multiple A capsules intersecting with B: A + first B after A: $md = 10d $a.join($b, $md, false) A when first B starts before end of A: $nodata = '2000-01-01T00:00:00Z' $bafa.removeLongerThan($md).transform($capsule -> $a.removeLongerThan($md).toGroup($capsule, CAPSULEBOUNDARY.INTERSECT) .pick(1, // if there are multiple capsules, grab the first capsule($nodata, $nodata)) // otherwise a default capsule ) B could be offline samples of the A process. @John Cox suppose B has properties. How can they be added to (other properties of) A when first B starts before end of A ?
  2. Is there a way to create a score card metric for a capsule property without converting the property to a signal first? As a user, it would be convenient to be able to color code properties that are columns in (Condition) Table view via "New Metric"
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