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Manoel Janio Borralho dos Santos

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Manoel Janio Borralho dos Santos last won the day on August 22 2023

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  1. I have a signal that has a few gaps between valid portion and gap size can vary. I want to fill the gaps with the the last good value of the each segment. I tried using ".ToStep" function, but it din't work.
  2. how to get the start time of the capsules, compare the value of two variables at the exact moment that the capsule starts. Then make a condition compering their values?
  3. Getting the below error when trying to get the regression properties. It worked well when tested using a static capsule instead of dynamic one. However for my case I do need a dynamic, given that the regression coefficients are expected to change over time. Latter on I will get the regression coefficient and intercept to build the same regression. Then use the input variable high limit to calculate the new recommended high limit for the target variable. Any work around it available?
  4. I was able to use the template by using the 'copy' function as below. So grabbed the document template (as described in the article you've shared above), made a copy of it and assigned to a new document. new_document_name = 'Executive View: September' new_document = template_document.copy(label=new_document_name) new_document.name = new_document_name Then defined the parameters: new_document.parameters = { "month": 'September', "[Image]My Visualization 1": 'fig1.png', "[Image]My Visualization 2": 'fig2.png', "First App Impact": None, "First App": None } Appended it to my existing topic: topic.documents.append(new_document) And finally, pushed my topic back to seeq: spy.workbooks.push(topic)
  5. Hi @Kin How thank you very much for your help, The way you suggested I would add a blank document to the already created topic and would have handle the html content to add figures and etc... Instead of this, I was thinking to do it using my template that I've created, grabbing just the document template instead of the entire topic template, so I could handle more elegantly the content content that needs to be add (figures, tables, etc..) as parameters. If possible, could you please provide me with the steps of how to achieve that?
  6. My goal is to have an automated report using Topic Organiser. This report will contain two figs and one table where the user can enter their comments. Below are some requisites: The Topic Organiser needs to be generated in the beginning of the year containing one document (or worksheet) named as say 'Executive View: January', based on my Organiser Template. For the subsequent months, as the the Organiser is already create, I would like to keep adding document to it. The document will have the name 'Executive View' + <month_name>. One picture will have the results of the KPI for the month (updated every day as a moving average) and the other picture will have the results of the same KPI in the last 3 months. What I did so far: The Topic Organiser Template is done (with just one document on it) I have create another notebook scheduled to run everyday, that pulls the KPI daily results, make the month moving average, plot the results and then saves the a picture in my jupyter folder. Another notebook is scheduled to run in the first day of each month. This one compiles the results of the same KPI in the last 3 months, plot them and then saves the plot as a picture in my jupyter folder. I have created a third notebook to run every first of January[but after the two previous mentioned ones], which creates the Topic Organiser including the year as the prefix, for instance '2023 Site Results'. The same notebook creates one single document for January and attaches to it the previously saved figures. Where I am stuck: For the subsequent months, I would like to use the same template, grab the document template and add it as a new document in my already created Topic Organiser, keeping the previous months intact. I could not figure out how to make this yet? How would you recommend to achieve this? Am I in the right path or would you suggest a different way?
  7. Thank you @Emilio Conde it has worked fine after executing the spy.upgrade().
  8. Hi @Kristopher Wiggins , I have used your second option and that worked well for me, thank you very much for that. But I am also trying to apply @Emilio Conde's suggestion as I consider it a pretty much simple approach and also fits well my case. However I am facing an issue when it came to designate my images as mustache variables in my topic organizer worksheet. I am entering the “double curly-brace” syntax, but when I load it as a template and look at parameters, the mustache variables for the images are not being found. I could see that for the dynamics texts that I have included in the same topic template are working fine (see below what is shown when a use print(document.code): document.parameters = { "First App Impact": None, "First App": None }
  9. Hi Kristopher, thank you for detailing this topic. I need some help on how to update a specific figure when I have more than one picture in the same topic organizer sheet. I tried to edit your previous search putting more information to it (something similar as below), but I am getting the IndexError: list out of range. before_html = re.findall("(.*)<img src=\"/api/annotations/ADE7316A-36E9-46CF-A11C-71095994B787/images/Figure1", ws_to_update.html)[0] Would you mind landing me a hand on that, please?
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