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matt mcdowell

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Everything posted by matt mcdowell

  1. Had some issues installing and using Folium and Geoplot I was wondering if are there any other geospatial libraries that users have had success using?
  2. Great Post! Was able to make some modifications for a Dupont Schedule. You just need to use the following code for the Starting Shift schedule. $s1 =periods(1sec,28d).move(0h) $s2 =periods(1sec,28d).move(24h) $s3 =periods(1sec,28d).move(48h) $s4 =periods(1sec,28d).move(72h) $s5 =periods(1sec,28d).move(180h) $s6 =periods(1sec,28d).move(204h) $s7 =periods(1sec,28d).move(228h) $s8 =periods(1sec,28d).move(264h) $s9 =periods(1sec,28d).move(288h) $s10 =periods(1sec,28d).move(312h) $s11 =periods(1sec,28d).move(420h) $s12 =periods(1sec,28d).move(444h) $s13 =periods(1sec,28d).move(468h) $s14 =periods(1sec,28d).move(492h)
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