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Everything posted by kward

  1. Hello, Back with a similar question. Is it possible to calculate the difference from the same signal from different Capsules? I have a daily flow total from the years 2016 to 2020. I want to subtract the year 2016 from year 2020 to account for growth. I want to be able to see the difference on a daily,weekly, or monthly basis if possible. Ex: July 1st 2020 Monthly total - July 1st 2016 Monthly total.
  2. Thank you for your reply Thorsten. What if I wanted to compare the same signal? Essentially overlay the same signal with 2017 signal points to 2018 signal points? https://imgur.com/a/S7Yzqn8
  3. I am comparing flow data from multiple years. Is it possible to have all signals on one trend without being spaced apart through time. I'm sorry if this is vague, I am very new to SeeQ.
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