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Everything posted by Dominic

  1. Awesome, worked like a charm. Thanks so much Joe!
  2. Thanks Joe! This works for a 1 year format. If I wanted to get more specific for the date range on the price, let's say it's 10$ between Feb 1 2019 and May 12 2019, how would I adjust the date range in the capsule? I tried using 20.toSignal().splice(10.tosignal(), condition(100d,capsule('2019-02-01','2019-05-12'))) but I don't think I'm using the capsule or the condition function right. Thanks!
  3. Hi, I've been looking around but not sure if there's a way to do this: Let's say the cost of something is $10 before Jan 1 2020, and I know it changes to $20 after Jan 1 2020. Is there a way I can put this all into one formula, so that the signal would be 10 before Jan 1 2020, and 20 after Jan 1 2020? It would look like a stepwise signal. Thanks!
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