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Posts posted by Lindsey.Wilcox

  1. Hi Thorsten-

    Currently, users are not able to leave comments in Viewing Only mode.  I have entered a bug (CRAB-15843) to correct the tooltip, which incorrectly states that you may add comments (as shown in your screenshot).

    Additionally, the ability to add comments in Viewing Only mode is logged as a Feature Request (CRAB-13956).  Please let me know if you would like to be linked to this item so that receive notification of any progress made towards its implementation.



  2. Hi Thorsten-

    In the first screenshot, the area of each box is actually the same, even though some boxes have different dimensions.  As you observed, the size of your display impacts how the boxes are drawn.

    To adjust the box sizes via the API, please use the following steps:

    1. On your Seeq installation, open the workbook that contains the Treemap and navigate to the API:


    2. To get the ID of the asset that you would like to resize:

           a. Navigate to GET Assets


           b. Adjust the "limit" to 200 and click "Try it out!"


           c. In the Response Body, locate the asset to resize and copy the "id":


    3. To resize the asset:

           a. Navigate to POST Item Properties


           b. Paste the asset ID into the "id" field.  Use the following syntax in the "Body" field.  

        "unitOfMeasure": "",
        "name": "size",
        "value": 10

            The following screenshot shows a size 10, but this number may be adjusted.


           c. Click "Try it out!"

    4. Navigate back to the Treemap and refresh the browser.  The Treemap now reflects the adjusted size:



    Please let me know if you have any additional questions.





    • Like 2
  3. Hi Kevin

    Thanks for providing additional details.  Here are some steps that can be used to create a bar graph:

    1. Use Formula to create a condition around "now".  Here I've created a condition that has 1 capsule which is always the past 3 hours:


    Note that the "now()" operator is new as of R21.0.41.

    2. Use Signal from Condition to create a signal that identifies the Value at End of the input signal in the Now Condition.  


    Here I've created 3 new signals for the Value at End of the Area A, Area B and Area C temperature signals.  For the Area A temperature signal, I select to place the timestamp at the start of the capsule, middle for Area B, and end for Area C.  This ensures that the data points do not overlap each other.  Alternatively, you can adjust the timestamp of the data points in Formula, as well.

    3. Use the Customize Menu to display the data points as bars:


    4. Finally, combine the signals into a single lane for easier comparison:


    Be sure to enable Auto Update so the Workbench Analysis is updated with the latest information as new data is available.

    Please let me know if these steps work for you.  



    • Like 1
  4. Hi Ruben-

    Are you referring to the Training Window in the Reference Profile tool?  If so, the Reference Profile tool is designed to create a static profile, so it is not possible to define a dynamic Training Window (like the last 7 days).

    However, the latest version of Seeq (R21.0.41) introduced the now() operator in Formula, which may be used to compute dynamic, single-value boundaries.  Here is an example of how this may be used.

    Given a temperature signal, lets create upper and lower boundaries as the (avg )+/- (2*std. dev.) of the past 7 days.  The now() operator us used to define the time period over which the average and standard deviation are calculated

    1. First, lets calculate the average of the temperature signal over the past 7 days:


    2. Next calculate the standard deviation of the temperature signal over the past 7 days:


    3. Now create the upper and lower limits:



    Please let me know if you have any additional questions.




  5. Hi Kevin-

    Would you be able to provide some additional information on this Use Case?  Specifically, how do you plan to use the results of the analysis?

    If you are looking to determine the latest tag value displayed, this will be easiest using the Scorecard Feature in Seeq.

    1. Navigate to Scorecard:


    2. Add a Simple Metric that measures the Value at End of a tag:


    3. Add additional metrics for each tag:


    4. By default, the created Scorecard is based upon the period of time in the Display Range.  To make sure that the Scorecard updates to always show the latest data, enable Auto Update:


    Please let me know if this solution will work for you.  Any additional details you can provide would be helpful.



  6. Curious George-

    There are a couple of ways that you can get this information.  Depending how you would like to view / use the information, the following methods may be used:

    1. The easiest way to get this information is to add the Duration to the Capsule Pane display: 


    This allows you to quickly view the duration of each of your capsules.  

    2. If you would like to use the capsule duration in additional calculations or have the capsule duration's trended over time, the Signal from Condition tool may be used to create a new signal that reports the duration of each capsule in the condition:


    3. A third option, if you would like the capsule durations presented in a table, is to use a Scorecard Metric.

    First, navigate to Tables & Charts and add a New Metric:


    There, you can select a Condition based metric to show each capsules duration in the table:


    Please let me know if you have any additional questions.





    Content Verified MAR2024






    • Like 1
  7. Hi Aikju-

    To calculate the rolling sums, use the .runningSum() function in Formula.  Note that you will be required to provide a condition over which to calculate the rolling sum; this could be calendar days, a production mode condition etc:



    Now that you have a signal calculating the rolling sum, a combination of Value Search and the .splice() function in Formula can be used to set the signal equal to 0.  First, lets use Value Search to identify when the running sum is greater than zero:


    Before we can use the .splice() function in Formula, we need to create a 0 signal in Formula:


    Now, we can use the .splice() function in Formula to splice in the 0 signal whenever the Rolling Sum signal is greater than 0.


    Please let me know if this gets you the results that you need or if you have any additional questions.



  8. Hi AiKju-

    There are a couple methods to accomplish this, both of which are summarized in our Knowledge Base.  Take a look at these articles:

    1. Using Boolean Signals to Replace IF Statements (

    2. Using Conditions and the Splice Function to Replace IF Statements 

    If there's any additional information you can provide about your Use Case, we may be able to provide some more specific work steps.  Let me know if you have any additional questions.



    • Thanks 1
  9. Hi Curious George-

    This can be accomplished using the Histogram tool.  Follow these steps to perform the analysis:

    1. Create a capsule for each stage in the process.  This can be done using the .toCapsules() function in Formula.


    This function creates a new capsule for every value change in the Compressor Stage signal.


    2. Use Histogram to count the number of times in each stage.


    Please let me know if you have any additional questions.






  10. Hi Sam-

    This can be accomplished using a combination of capsules and signal from condition.  Follow these steps to perform this calculation.

    1. Create capsules for each value change in the Boolean Signal.  This is done using the .toCapsules() function in Formula.


    2. Create capsules for the time period of interest.  This can be done using Periodic Condition (creates hourly, daily, weekly, monthly, etc. capsules) or Custom Condition (Specify start and end times).


    3. Calculate the number of Capsules (Step 1) over the time period of interest (Step 2) using Signal from Condition.


    Please let me know if you have any additional questions.




    • Like 1
  11. Hi Sam-

    Doing this is possible using a combination of capsules and signal from conditions. Use the following steps to perform this calculation:
    1. Create a condition for when your line is running. (If you have a tag that specifies Running vs. Not running, just use Value Search). 

    Screen Shot 2018-11-09 at 9.09.33 PM.png

    2. Next, create Daily Capsules using Periodic Condition.

    Screen Shot 2018-11-09 at 9.09.59 PM.png

    3. Now use Signal from Condition to calculate the total duration Running per day.
    Running duration.png

    Screen Shot 2018-11-09 at 9.10.21 PM.png
    This will result in a new signal that reports the total duration Running per day.

    Please let me know if you have any additional questions.

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