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Hi Seeq Team, 

I'm trying to create a SEEQ scorecard with variable times for the average. Here is the code I'm using to create the condition:

$time = now()

$lastTwo = capsule($time-2min, $time).setProperty('TimeRange', "Last Two Minutes")
$lastHour = capsule($time-1h, $time).setProperty('TimeRange','Last Hour')
$lastDay = capsule($time-1d, $time).setProperty('TimeRange', 'Last Day')

condition(2d, $lastDay, $lastHour, $lastTwo)

And then once I added the scorecard metric, I added TimeRange to the header in capsule property-property name but instead of getting Last two minutes, last hour and last day I just get last day. How do I get the last 2 minutes and last hour to show as well?



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