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Very slow performance on worksheet

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I have developed a lot of worksheets and organizers (reports) for a client that are working very well, but there is one I just created that is extremely sluggish.  Attached are images of what I am building.  Do I simply have too many tags?  All the other worksheets I created work fine, but on this one I get a lot of waiting for the hour glass and the display takes a long time to render when I change anything.
The problems seems to be the New Batch formula.  The purpose is to create capsules only when the Seq_ID changes.  You can see the trend of the Seq_ID in the trend.

genera_seeq_mixproduction_slow_2021-04-16 at 2.44.13 PM.jpg

genera_seeq_mixproduction_slow_2021-04-16 at 2.45.53 PM.jpg

genera_newbatch_error_2021-04-21 at 1.40.03 PM.jpg

genera_newbatch_error_2021-04-21 at 1.41.31 PM.jpg

Edited by Pat Dixon
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I tried rebuilding it in a new worksheet, but when I got to 47 tags in the sheet this happened.  I did exactly the same scorecard metric for every one of these tags, only with a different item to measure.  It looks like Seeq just cannot handle too many tags.

genera_seeq_batcherror_2021-04-22 at 1.12.33 PM.jpg

Edited by Pat Dixon
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  • Seeq Team

Hi Pat, 

It does appear that the issue you are facing may be related to the specific datasource where these specific signals/conditions are queried from, since you are not seeing it elsewhere.  You did the perfect thing and submitted a support request (best done here: https://seeq.atlassian.net/servicedesk/customer/portal/3), along with the logs to our Support team, so that our datasource connection experts can help you ASAP.  We will continue the detailed conversation in that system.


Thank you and let us know further comments or questions!


Seeq Analytics Engineering

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