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I have plotted some signals as shown below. I would like to change the trend view to table with duration and final signal value. I have included example table also.

Can anyone let me know hoe to change this view?

Thank you.





  • Seeq Team

Hi Prachi,

What version of Seeq are you using? The answer to how you will get this display is pretty different based on Seeq version since we are making some big changes around the amount of work required to build a table. You will find more information on Seeq Tables in our Knowledge Base.

In R53, you could:

1. Identify these periods of operation with a condition (likely a condition for the first asset and a separate condition for the second asset). That condition could probably be defined by a $signal.isvalid() since you have gaps in the data, but it could also be a Manual Condition that you create. image.png
2. With these conditions identified and in the Details Pane, you can swap to Table View, selecting the Condition table. image.png

3a. You can add the Duration for the conditions displayed using the Column button in the toolbar, since your use case seems to be about durations of operations.

3b. Alternatively, if you already have the signal as a duration as you do, you could add the last value of the signal for each of the signals trended. This option allows you to specify units. The duration will display as days hours:minutes:seconds.

Condition Table.gif


If you are on an earlier version such as R52 or earlier, you will need to use Condition Based Scorecard Metrics to get to this table view. These solutions will also work for R53, but require creating Metrics. You can also use Metrics to color the cells based on thresholds if desired. You could include the asset name in your item name so that it would display in the header.

1. Define the condition (likely same as 1 above).  
2a. Create a Value at End Scorecard Metric for each of the signal/condition combinations. image.png
2b. OR Create a Duration Scorecard Metric for each of the signal/condition combinations.  image.png

Thanks for the question and let us know if you have more questions about this approach.

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