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Convert wind direction degrees to N,S, etc

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I have a signal that gives the wind direction in degrees from North (0-360). I want to convert a range of values to a cardinal direction, so I used "toStates" with a custom group to do so

$wind_dir = group(
capsule(0, 22.5).setProperty('Value', 'N'),
capsule(22.5, 67.5).setProperty('Value', 'NE'),
capsule(67.5, 112.5).setProperty('Value', 'E'),
capsule(112.5, 158.5).setProperty('Value', 'SE'),
capsule(158.5, 202.5).setProperty('Value', 'S'),
capsule(202.5, 247.5).setProperty('Value', 'SW'),
capsule(247.5, 292.5).setProperty('Value', 'W'),
capsule(292.5, 337.5).setProperty('Value', 'NW'),
capsule(337.5, 360).setProperty('Value', 'N')


This formula works, but the Y axis is sorted alphabetically (W, SW, SE, S, etc). Can I force a particular sorting (N, NE, E, etc) or is there a different/better way to implement the above?




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  • Seeq Team

If you modify your


variable to 

$wind_dir = group(
capsule(0, 22.5).setProperty('Value', 'ENUM{{0|N}}'),
capsule(22.5, 67.5).setProperty('Value', 'ENUM{{1|NE}}'),
capsule(67.5, 112.5).setProperty('Value', 'ENUM{{2|E}}'),
capsule(112.5, 158.5).setProperty('Value', 'ENUM{{3|SE}}'),
capsule(158.5, 202.5).setProperty('Value', 'ENUM{{4|S}}'),
capsule(202.5, 247.5).setProperty('Value', 'ENUM{{5|SW}}'),
capsule(247.5, 292.5).setProperty('Value', 'ENUM{{6|W}}'),
capsule(292.5, 337.5).setProperty('Value', 'ENUM{{7|NW}}'),
capsule(337.5, 360).setProperty('Value', 'ENUM{{8|N}}')

You will get an ordered Y axis:


This is how Seeq handles enum Signal values from other systems - it has some limitations, but it seems like it should work well for your use case.

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