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Help with scorecard metric threshold auto axis in trend view


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Hello! I'm using SEEQ organizer to display the last 24 hours of many trends associated with operating performance of a thermal oxidizer. I'm leveraging scorecard metric thresholds as a visual tool that allows staff to quickly determine "good", "that's abnormal, we should investigate", and the automatic shutdown interlock threshold. The problem I'm facing is that when I add the 'distant' thresholds to the scorecard metric, the trend squeezes the data into a relatively thin stripe, thus greatly decreasing the resolution/detail of the signal itself. Is there a way to utilize the scorecard metric thresholds in such a way that allows the thresholds to be out of sight but still exist in the trend if the signal drops low enough to show it? Essentially, I'm looking to use the thresholds but still have the lane auto-stretch the y-axis to the data min/max. I'll post a picture of the squeezed data using 'auto' axis and the more stretched 'desired' view I'm looking for. This is just one example of many trends that make up the organizer. 

Desired View.png


Workbook info.png

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  • Seeq Team

Hi Edmund, 

Have you ever considered using Treemap for condition-based monitoring? With Treemap, you can prioritize the conditions you want to monitor and focus on high-priority events when you have lots of process parameters to keep track of. Plus, you can easily drill down and check out what happened with high-priority events over a trend view. For more information on Treemap, please refer to this article.

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11 hours ago, Kin How said:

Hi Edmund, 

Have you ever considered using Treemap for condition-based monitoring? With Treemap, you can prioritize the conditions you want to monitor and focus on high-priority events when you have lots of process parameters to keep track of. Plus, you can easily drill down and check out what happened with high-priority events over a trend view. For more information on Treemap, please refer to this article.

Hi Kin,

I played with the Treemap approach for a little bit and have built several of those to track other unit metrics, but it doesn't really work for this situation. It's a relatively complex equipment setup that warrants the need to see the signal trends. I'm just targeting an MDI/visual management flavored solution that incorporates both the signals and easily discernable color thresholds. Green: no concern, yellow: investigate, red: shutdown, etc. One of the main reasons is because most of the distribution that receives this report does not use SEEQ and would not be able to click around for more information. They rely purely on the auto-generated PDF. 

Do you have any ideas on how to potentially manipulate the axis settings so the y-axis bounds are only driven by the min/max of the displayed signal and not the scorecard thresholds? It would be cool if SEEQ had a checkbox next to each threshold in the scorecard metric tab that would let you disable "always display threshold on trend". One can dream! 😇

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  • Seeq Team

Hi Edmund, 

I have a suggestion that may be helpful. You can create separate conditions for each color threshold - Concern, Investigate, and Shutdown - and put them all in one lane. Then, place the signal under the same lane. By doing this, you can monitor the signal movement on the trend, and the condition color will be shown in the background of the trend. Please refer to the example screenshot below for a better understanding. Let me know your thoughts on this.


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